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"Three nights, and he's missing", John Darlinghurst drank his wine.

"Sir, Ma'am, I'll find your son".

"Simon mentioned a place called Mist Gate", Elizabeth Darlinghurst cried.

"Mist Gate's haunted by vampires. The garden...Sadly, I wish never to speak of it. One night, upon my nightly stroll, two men fled the cemetery".

"The cemetery", John Darlinghurst shivered.

"...was covered in thick, unnatural fog. Two lamps glowed; two coffins opened. And I saw something. It scared me, and I ran down the cobbled steps near the gargoyle statues. The owner, one Lord Harold Carnavan, was killed in the year sixteen hundred and twenty-six".

"But he lived longer than that year?".

"My records of vampires state the Lord was born over four hundred years ago. The year twelve hundred and twenty-six".


"Alas, all records of the blood line of the Carnavan family end in that year I speak of".

"If the records are kept hidden, and you survive, please inform us of further matters". John Darlinghurst finished off his drink, then comforted his wife.

He bowed, and left the family to deal with their grief. He opened the front door, and begun to travel to the village.


Robert Gordon walked slowly up the cobbled steps of Mist Gate.

     His long black coat hit the ground. He was wearing a yellow shirt, black breeches, and black boots. And a yellow cravat and black hat, as well as long sideburns, completed the picture of an English Gentleman; a human Gentleman.

Evening came, and so did the screaming.


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