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The fog spilled down the garden's stone path.

Robert Gordon struggled to see.

Out of the darkness Lady Catherine Carnavan glided past the gargoyle statues. Her long, black gown, swished; her crimson eyes glowed.

    "Humans show their power by trespassing on our lands. They ignore the warnings. Alas, as I grow old, so do my youth".

    "M'Lady, I'm seeking Simon Darlinghurst".

 "Simon Darlinghurst died, Sir. A human boy whose thirst for adventure ended in death. A tragedy, but nothing more than a passing interest to us".

     "Who are you M'Lady?".

     "Lady Catherine of Mist Gate".

     "Robert Gordon".

Lady Catherine Carnavan glided closer.

     "The night speaks to me, Robert. A sense of dread falls on Mist Gate. We devour the youthful children of the village".

     "And Simon...?".

    "He stumbled upon the village. The inns, taverns, and ports, are full; the woods are forbidden to humans".

   "Simon's parents...".

    "He's dead".


"The shadows are long. Leave Mist Gate". He blinked his eyes, and walked through the wrought-iron gates.

Lady Catherine Carnavan prevented him from leaving.

"Three hundred gold coins".


 Page 8.

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