Entry #9

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June 19th 2022

Entry #9

I seem to have the worst luck ever, either that, or I am just growing soft. Yesterday I tried to round up the team to leave Trace’s house to start off again. We were there for a few days when really we should have only stayed the one night. As the leader of the group, I reflected upon our choices and deemed leaving the best option. We need to find a secure place of our own to stay. The sooner we left to find it, the better. That didn’t go as I had originally planned. My team didn’t want to leave and I was fed up with Trace, so I made the decision to head out on my own thinking that they would follow. Unfortunately, once again, things didn’t go my way. To be honest, what happened was not one of the possibilities I imagined. Trace, the idiot, decided to follow me. Now I am stuck with him since we can’t get back in through the gate.

It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. He still annoys the hell out of me, but at least he thought to bring supplies and weapons. I was so angry I was going to leave empty handed. So, once again, I owe him, though I’d never actually tell him that.

We’ve started today by walking through the forest for a while. Trace told me that there was a path we could take instead if I wanted, so we did since pushing past branches and bushes is extremely tiring. After a couple of hours of silent trudging through the woods, Trace said he had something he wanted to show me. He pulled me off the path and started to briskly jog. I had to almost flat out run to keep up. A few minutes past and I was becoming frustrated, but then the forest suddenly stopped and we were beside this beautiful little stream. Not going to lie, I’m really glad he brought me here. It’s so tranquil and nice.

I’m sitting at the edge of it right now, feet dipped in the water. The days are becoming hotter and this cool water is refreshing. Trace is beside me, his own book out and on his lap. Every time I try to see what he’s doing, he turns away.

Jeez the kid does not like to give away any personal details what so ever. He--

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