Chapter 2

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We drive around in the car and I put my hands up in the air
"Woooo" I scream
"I'm getting married"
"To Shawn mendes"

A car drives past us and they clap there hands and we all laugh

We pull into the venue and drive to the around, we park and head inside to wear we start to walk, I can see everyone look around at me by I try to not look back

We are standing in the foyer and Sidney makes sore my hair and dress is looking good
"Ok your good" she says and I smile
"Let's do this" dad says

We link arms and start to walk out onto the carpet, we picked fallin all in you as the song for me to walk out to

I walk out with Sidney Kasey and Aaliyah behind me I look up and see everyone there, I see Shawns mum and dad and my mum sitting together and then all of my friends and Shawns friends, I'm happy to see that some really famous people are there such as, khalid, Ed sherran, Camilla cabeo, the vamps boys, Charlie pith, Niall Horan and plenty of others. I see Shawn standing there facing he other way but he turns around and gives me a quick wink, next to him is Brian and Charlie.

I walk up smiling at everyone is see, I walk past Liam and give him a big smile, we get to the end and I let go of dad, I give him a hug and then go stand next to Shawn

"You look beautiful" he says
"So do you" I say

"Welcome every to this special day and thank you for attending the wedding of Shawn and ash here today" he says

"These two have been through a lot together but there love has always been very strong, from the day they met bumping into each other at a music shop and ash freaking out over meeting the Shawn mendes, they have always known they were the one, from the first kiss at the beach a few miles away, to ash's first trip to Shawns home town in Canada, to the car crash which almost ended in tragedy, to there first music awards together to now here there marriage, so let's begin, with each other's vowls, ash" he says

I turn to Sidney and she hands me my piece of paper with it all written, I take a breath

"Shawn, it's funny to think back now to the day we met, I was just another screaming fan of yours, when I walked into the shop the last thing on my mind was that I would meet Shawn Mendes and in 2 years time be marrying him, but I guess dreams come true, you are the most amazing person I know, you are everything anyone would ever want, you are so extremely kind, caring, supportive, protective, funny, loving and amazing, you are always here for me when I have had a rough day or I'm sad I know you can make me happy again, you were there in the hardest part of my life, and I know you don't like me saying it but you saved my life, the memories we have made together are things I will never forget and I am so excited for all the memories we will make in the future, I know we can survive anything together like if we lost our minds and we took it way to far I know we'd be alright, I love you Shawn Mendes and I always will" I say and people laughed including Shawn when I made a lyric mention to tnhmb

"Shawn" the guy says

"Ash what can I say, I love you, when I was in that shop I didn't expect to meet the love of my life there and then but I knew it from the moment I saw you, Sorry Sidney, you say that I saved you life but you saved mine two, I was getting to a point we're sometimes u was to focused on my career but you changed that, you taught me what life is and how well to live it, we have been through a lot but we stuck together and got through it, you and I are meant to be, thank you for all the memories we made and all the ice cream, you are so sweet, pretty, caring, funny, amazing, stunning, and supportive, through all the tough times and the few times we had a fight I never once doubted that you were the one for me, you are totally amazing and I love you so much and I always will love you, I look forward to all the exciting times and memories we will make in the future and living rest of my life with you, ash I love you" he says

"The rings" the man then says

I turn to Sidney and Shawn turns to Brian I put Shawn ring on first, it is gold, then he puts mine on, it is silver with a diamond lots of little gems it's beautiful

"Now" he say

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes do you take Ashleigh Rose Bright to be your wedded wife, to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live?"

"I do" he says

"Ashleigh Rose Bright do you take Shawn Peter Raul Mendes to be your wedded wife, to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live?"

"I do" I say

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, Shawn you may kiss your bride" he says

We look at each other and smile, I take his head with my hands and kiss, everyone cheers

"I love you Mrs Mendes" Shawn says
"I love you too Mr Mendes" I say

I hug Sidney, Aaliyah, Kasey, and then go over to Liam and Charlie

"Hey Mrs Mendes" Charlie says and I smile and hug him
"Ah I can't believe ash is married wow" Liam says and I hug him

I then go over to mum and dad and Shawns parents

"Aw as we are so proud and happy for you we love you" mum say I and I give dad a hug I then hug Shawn mum and dad.

After we talk to a few people and then we take heaps and heaps Of photos then me and Shawn get in the car and drive to the reception venue

Daddy's on stage - Shawn Mendesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن