Chapter 5

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Fast forward 2 months and we are getting close my due date, it is the 20th of April and the baby is due on the 3rd of June.

"We're getting close now babe" Shawn says to me on the way to the hospital for a check up

We are sitting in the room and I am on the bed and Shawn is on the chair next to me holding my hand

"Alright so we are going to do another ultrasound" the nurse says
"Is everything ok" Shawn asks
"Yep looks like it I might just get the doctor to check as we are getting closer"

I look at Shawn a bit worried but he reassures me it's going to be ok

" so" I ask the doctor
"All good nothing to worry about at this point but just keep and eye out for anything and call us if you need anything no matter how small" he says
"Well thank you" I say as we leave

No offence to our baby but it's starting to get a bit annoying and I am getting grumpy more often and I seem to be taking it out on Shawn

"Shawn I told you before that plant goes in the kitchen" I yell at him
"Ok ok sorry" he says
"Uhh I'm sorry Shawn I'm just kinda sick of this baby in my stomach I want it out" I say
"It's ok babe I know she will be out soon" he says

It's not the 30th of April which means the baby is due in 4 days, I start to get worried and think about all the bad things that could happen

"What if she is upside down or something, or she isn't breathing or she is sick" I say to Shawn
"Ash calm down our baby is perfect I'm sure it's going to be fine" he says

On the day the baby is due I basically sit on the couch the whole day waiting for my water to break but it doesn't happen, we call the hospital but they say it's fine and normal, it's been another 2 days and my water still hasn't broke and I am starting to get a bit nervous so we go to the hospital

"Well ash, everything still looks fine, sometimes baby's are late it's nothing bad you just have to wait for the baby to decide it wants to come out, if nothing has happened after another week come back in and we'll check again ok" he says
"Ok" I say
"Thank you" Shawn says

We head home and I plonk on the couch
"Urhhh I just want her out" I say to Shawn
"I know me too I'm sure she won't be to much longer" he says and I hope he's right

Daddy's on stage - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now