Chapter 9

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The next day Sidney, Liam and Charlie are come over to see Jess

I hear a knock on the door
"I'll get it" Shawn says

Shawn opens the door and greats them, I come over and hug them, when I hug Charlie I see someone behind him, I smile at him

"Who's this" I asks nicely
"Oh this is Lana my girlfriend" he say
"Hi" Lana says
"Hi nice to meet you" I say

They come inside and Shawn brings Jess down from upstairs

"Omg she's so beautiful" Sidney says
"She actually looks like both of you" Liam says
"Yeah no shit" I say
"She's so cute" Charlie says

I hand her to Charlie and he holds her
"Hey little one" he says
Jess starts to smile and even laughs a little, it's to cute
"Aww good to see the little one is bonding with her godfather" I say
"Yeh" charlie says
"HER WHAT?" Liam cuts in before Charlie can continue
"Um..." I say starting to laugh
"But I thought.... I was the godfather" Liam says and looks at Charlie
"Ok Shawn I think I should give you Jess" he says quickly
"Look I'm sorry" charlie says "that your not up to godfather standards"
"Well you've got it in for yourself now ey" charlie says
"Ok guys calm down your both godfather ok" I say still laughing, Liam sruggs his shoulders and starts to play fight with Charlie
"Oi stop, this is not a good influence on Jess" Sidney cuts in laughing
"I thought Jess was the baby here" Shawn laughs

While Liam and Charlie are fighting Lana comes up and we talk for a Bit
"Charlie has told me a lot about you" she says
"Really, good things I hope" I say back
"Of course, so you two have been friends for a while I gather"
"Oh yeh since primary school, he's always been there for me, he's a really great guy"
"Yeh lucky for me I found him" Lana says
"Yeh well it's nice to see that he's found someone good like you" I say

We have lunch together and go for a quick swim, me and Charlie are in the pool while the others are getting dry
"So Lana's nice" I say
"Yeh she's great I really like her" he says
"Good, I'm happy for you, that you finally found someone," I say
"Yeh Thanks it's nice" he says

The rest of the day goes quick and soon we are having dinner, Shawns parents came round for dinner as they are still here. After they left we put Jess to sleep and surprisingly she fell asleep quickly, me and Shawn decide to watch a movie and have some ice cream

"We've done well" Shawn says
"Um yeh" I say slightly confused
"I just mean that, we have found eachother and are married, we are living in the most beautiful place and we have the most amazing little girl" he continues
"Well yeh now I think about it like that yeh we've done well"

"I wouldn't change a thing" I say

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