Chapter 8

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We are woken up in the morning by Jess crying
"Sh sh it's ok jessy" I say

Shawn gets up and he holds her while I have a shower, I feed her some milk and Shawn makes us breakfast

"She's so cute" I say
"She's got you eyes babe" Shawn says raping his arms around me
"But she's got you cheeks" I say

We then here the doorbell ring and remember Shawns family is arriving today to meet Jess

Shawn opens the door and they come in

"Jess this is grandma, grandpa and Aunty mendes ok" I say to Jess

"She so small" Aaliyah says
"She looks just like you both" Karen says
"Well that's what happens when you have a baby mum" Shawn says with a laugh
"So who wants to hold first" I say
"I will" manny says, he sits down on the couch and I pass her to him
"Hey Jess" he says

Then Karen and Aaliyah have a Hold

"Now we've got something for you" Karen says
"Mum" Shawn says
"Manny go get it" she says so manny comes back in with a big mat play set thing
"Wow" I say
"Now she probably won't be able to use it for a while but here oh and we got you a little shirt for her" Karen says
"Thanks mum and dad" Shawn says

They leave and me and Shawn play with Jess for a while

Me and Shawn both then post a picture of Jess on our Instagram but most of the fans already know

"Welcome to the world baby girl Jessica Jade Mendes we love you to bits" I caption mine

"2 days ago your little girl entered the world we love you Jessica Jade Mendes" Shawn says

Jess is 2 days old now and since we got back we haven't left the house and we have hardly got any sleep so we are both dead

Jess is asleep so I decide to go to the shops to get some more food as we have only been eating instant noodles

I'm at the shops and I get a message from Shawn

"Help is she lying ok do I need to move her" he says with a picture of Jess on the bed

"Shawn she's fine calm down 😂" I reply
"Ok ok I just want her to be ok"
"I know but just trust yourself your gonna be an amazing dad"
"I hope so"

When I get home Jess is asleep on our bed and Shawn is asleep next to her

They look so beautiful asleep together

I let them sleep until Shawn wakes up and comes downstairs

"When did you get back" he asks
"About an hour ago but you were sleeping" I say
"Oh ahah" he says

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