Chapter 10

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The next day my parents come around check in, they nock on the door just as need to change Jess's nappy, i run down and open the door holding nappys and Jess's feeding bottle,
"Hi" I say smiling but then running back up the stairs to Jess
"Morning" they saw a tad confused
"Everything ok" mum says
"Does it look like I'm ok? She won't stop crying and her nappy needs changing and Shawn well, SHAWN HURRY UP AND GET OUT OF THE SHOWER I CANT RAISE THIS CHILD WITH YOU IN THE SHOWER THE WHOLE DAY" I shout
Dad laughs a little and mum comes up the stairs to me
"Honey, what your going through is called a baby, it can be very stressful and this is only the start, I would know I had 2, but you need to try and stay calm and not shout ok" she says laughing a bit
"Urhh I know stay calm stay calm" I say taking breaths

Shawn then walks out of the bathroom shirtless just in shorts
"Morning Kerry, matt, Kasey" he says
I look down at Kasey who has her mouth open looking directly at Shawns abs (which are amazing if I do say)
"Wow" she says
"KASEY" I shout at her stepping in front of Shawn. Kasey is now nearly 15 so she's at the age of Well boys if you get what I'm saying
"He's my husband not yours ok!" I say making everyone laugh

Once we have all calmed down and Jess is settled we decide to have a barbecue for lunch, Shawn and dad get the bbq going, while Kasey has a swim and me and mum talk while I feed Jess

"So how much is she crying" mum asks
"Eh we don't get much sleep but she's not too bad" I reply
"Your sister, she was the worst, would barely last 30 minutes without crying, you, you were good and you would actually sleep ahah" mum says
"Yeh well Kasey is the one who likes to cry" I say a bit louder so she can hear
"Oi shut up" she says

After dinner we head out and walk along the beach for a while, we get some ice cream along the way, as we are walking we hear some girls from across the roar talking to themselves

"Omg jaz it's Shawn Mendes and his fam omg"
"What no way seriously"
"Yeh they live here now"
"Omg look and he's got his baby"
"So cute"

Shawn turns and gives them a wave and they wave back and then turn and giggle to themselves more

We get back and mum and dad leave leaving me and Shawn to put Jess to sleep

After about and hour she is still not asleep

"Shawn what are we going to do"
" ahh idk she just doesn't want to sleep"
" what are we doing wrong? Maybe we are bad parents" I say
"No no ash were going to be great parents but idk I guess we just have to find a way of calming her down" he says hugging me

I sigh but then notice a little ukulele we got for her when she's older, I pick it up and hand it to Shawn
"Here try playing this" I say
"Ok I'll try I guess"

Shawn starts to play a little song, in a soft and calming voice, it's amazing

Soon only after a few minutes, Jess is lying down asleep

"Wow" i say "she's asleep"
I smile at Shawn and hug him
"Our little girl" he says
"Our little girl" I say

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