Chapter 17

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I wake up the next morning to a spam of messages from Sidney

"Ash it's today"
"I'm getting married today omg omg"
"Oh shitttttttt"
" how am I supposed to do this?"
"How did you get married?"
"I mean I'm sooo excited to be marrying Liam but like I'm also sooo nervous ahhh"
"Ash I need help"
"Ok I'm coming around to yours now"
"You better wake up"
"But whatever I'm coming anyway coz I'm getting married today"
"Ok bye see you in like 15"

I groan and wake up shawn
"Morning babe" he says to me
"Morning" i day and show him the messages from Sidney, and he laughs
"Lol she's crazy, I hope you weren't like this before our wedding" he says
"Oh no I was surprisingly calm I swear Sidney was more pumped up than me" I reply
"It was such a good day, I love you" Shawn says
"Aww I love you too baby" I say and kiss him

I then hear a frantic knock on the door
"Oh no she's here, be ready for crazy Sidney" I laugh,
"COMING" I yell out but Sidney somehow finds our spare key and opens the door and comes inside herself

"Oh sure come in" I say sarcastically
"Oh hey I'm getting married today" she reply's
"Oh I think I got that with your messages" I laugh

Jess soon wakes up and Shawn goes and feeds her and brings her downstairs.

Me and Sidney chat for a while and Shawn cooks is breakfast, I try my best to calm her down a bit and in a flash it is time to get ready for the wedding, Shawns gets Jess ready and then goes to the venue to meet with Liam and Charlie while go with Sidney to get her hair and makeup done.

The nerves have turned into excitement and we get into our dresses and head out into the limo and drive towards the venue, Sidney first reaches to the champagne but I decide to save that for later

We pull in and get out of the car
"Ready sid?" I ask
"Yeh I think"
"You got this it's easy all you gotta say is I do ok, I'll see you down there" I walk down the path to wear Liam, Charlie, and Shawn are standing, Shawn looks so handsome in his tux and he gives me a little wink

I turn back around to see Sidney in her beautiful dress and holding some pretty flowers walking towards us, she stands opposite to Liam and they read there vows, they then put there rings on each other and they are so stunning

"Liam James Thomas do you take Sidney Margaret Timewell to be your wedded wife, to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live?"

"I do" he says smiling

"Sidney Margaret Timewell do you take Liam James Thomas to be your wedded husband, to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live?"

"I do" Sidney smiles

"I now pronounce you husband and wife! Liam, you may now kiss your bride"

Liam and Sidney kiss and everyone cheers, I got over and hug both of them straight away I am so happy for them

That night things get pretty wild most people end up drunk but it was also the most beautiful ceremony for Sidney and Liam, around 2 am me and Shawn get home after dropping everyone home as Shawn was one of the sober people, we climb into bed without even bothering to change, luckily mum and dad were babysitting Jess for the night so we can actually get a good night sleep

What a day

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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