Chapter 5

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Joseph's POV

While I was partying with friends..someone pulled me out..It was a girl. I didn't see her face..And I don't know her. She stopped when we reached the pool..

???: Oppa...

You: Umm...who are you

???: I'm Jennie...Don't you remember me?

You: No...

She started to tear up..and then pulled and kissed me..I didn't kiss back but when I looked forward..I saw I broke the kiss and started chasing her..I keep on calling her name but she won't listen..Wait.Why does she even care? And why do I care if she saw that? But I have to explain..I don't know why but I just feel like it..She stopped when we reached a nearby park..

Avi: Why did you chase me?*sobs*

You I-I just feel like following you...

Avi: Why do you care if I see you kissing another girl?

You: My heart breaks if I see you cry...

Avi: *laughs* How is that?

You: I-I...

Avi: You know what..forget about it...*walks away*

You: let's be friends!

Avi's POV

I was still walking away but then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a hug...

Joseph: I'm sorry...*sobs*

You: After two years of bullying want to be friends now?!!*cries*

Joseph: I'm really sorry...

You: *sobs* I hate you..

Joseph: I'll walk you home..

After a few minutes, both of us reached my house...I was going to go inside but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a kiss..I was shaking..

You: W-what was that for?

Joseph: I-I like you..

You: I don't know...

Joseph: I won't give up.

You: I like you too but...I want you to prove it..

Joseph: I will...

You: I have to go inside..

Joseph: Go. Goodnight..See you on Monday*hugs you*

I blushed...I got inside and ran to my room..I jumped on my bed and started screaming like an idiot. When I calmed down I was going to the bathroom but my phone vibrated..

-On Phone-


You: I'm sorry..I came home early cause I was sleepy..

Gaelle: Vian was hella worried about you..

You: Why would he be worried about me?

Gaelle: Maybe he likes you..

You: What nooo

Gaelle: why? Don't you like him?

You: No! I like someone else right now...and he likes me back..

Gaelle: AYIEE! Who is it?

You: Is a Jeon.

Gaelle: There's a lot of Jeon in our school! Which one there?!!

You: Hehehehe you'll find out soon...or maybe never*laughs* anyways I'm hella sleepy..goodnight!!!

Gaelle: good night!

Shezz...Now how am I going to tell her...

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