Chapter 16

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Joseph's POV

You: Im home!

When you came in you saw no one..but then you suddenly heard a loud scream..


Its sounded like Avi, so you ran to her room..and saw Moira, Avi, and Gaelle playing monopoly..

Avi: Oh? Babe your home!

She jumped on you and you quickly catch her..

Avi: I missed you some much!

You: *chuckles* but we just saw each other babe

She suddenly kissed you.. you were confused so instead you kissed her back..someone coughed and you both stopped.."God Dammit! I forgot Moira and Gaelle were here" You thought

Moira: Go get a room will ya?!

Gaelle: Your making me jealous god dammit!

Avi: Go find your own Gaelle!

You laughed at Avi..

You: By the way babe I've got your clothes*smile*

Avi: Thanks babe *kiss you on the cheeks*

You blushed and she laughed..

Avi's POV

-Night Time-

Joseph was sleeping on your was 12:30 just watched Joseph sleep because you cant sleep.. you suddenly got a text..


???: If you don't want your love ones to die..then lets meet at XXX bar

You: W-who are you?

???: If you wanna know who I have to wait babe~

-End of Text-

You were shook at the text.."If I didn't come..we all might be dead.." you thought..You grabbed a coat and wear your looked at Joseph one last time and left..Someone called you and you picked it up with not looking of the caller ID..

You: Hello?

???: Are you here yet?

You: I-im here

???: A tall guy will ask who you are..then he'll bring you to me

You: O-ok..

The call ended and randomly a tall guy came to you..

Tall Guy: Are you Ms. Avi?

You: Y-yes..

Tall Guy: Follow me..

You followed the tall guy and lead you to a VIP room..

Tall Guy: Sir shes here..

???: Great.. You may leave..

The tall guy left the room leaving you and..a guy?

???: came huh?

When he was Andrie?!

You: A-andrie..

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