Chapter 30

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Avi's POV
-2 years later, Oct 12-

-Night time-

???: Jagiya! Im home!

You: Babe!!

I jumped on to him and hugged him tightly.

???: Missed me?

You: Yah! You've been gone for awhile!

???: What? Gone?

You: Your were in work the whole day babe!

???: Duh?! Jagi we have to make money for our wedding next year!

You: Arasseo! But atleast take it easy! We have lots of months to prepare!

???: Huh? When do you want to get married then?

You: Hmm...Maybe...February? It still snows in Korea when its February!

???: Ok!

You: By the way Andrie you go change your clothes while I cook now!

Andrie: Mhm...make sure it taste good!

You: My cook is always good!

He ran up to the stairs while I start cooking. And yes Andrie has a job now his basically a manager in a famous watch company! He gets paid every other month (A/N: Idk how business work with it) and now were...not really rich but can afford Gucci😛. If you asking how Mary, Gaelle, and Moira is...well as told they only wanted to stay here for 2 months guess when they left...after 1 year. I was shock because they forgot to go home, so they just told me that they'll stay here for awhile and find a place to stay and get a job. Gaelle became a gangster no just joking, she became a Engineer, Mary because a Dance teacher, while Moira became a Teacher in a school. I don't even freaking know how Moira became a teacher but all I know it my best friend is smart, Gaelle...she's alright she has high grades, and Mary...s-she has low offense but good thing she became a dance teacher in a big company. If your asking if I have a job...No...not at all but maybe at the future. And I'm turning 21! Yehey same with Andrie but his just a few month older, his July 15 2000 and Im January 20 2001.Andrie is stress because of work, do when he does work inside our room. I go to our living room and I face time with Gaelle and Mary.

-Face Time-

Gaelle: Hey dude! you alone again?
                        Avi: You know Andrie. He works so hard

Mary: Isn't it scary there? Since your alone?

                      Avi: Im getting used to it but since you mentioned it now Im scared man

Gaelle: Hahahahaha! Its ok dude were here

Mary: Yeh! Its still scary in own apartment...

Mary and Gaelle got their own apartment. At first her Mom didn't agree but then she thought that Gaelle needs to live by her own, but the only thing she doesn't know is Mary is with her. Gaelle told me that she'll tell her parents when its the right time.

                      Avi: Gaelle atleast tell ypu parents now! Its been weeks!

Gaelle: Weeks! Not months!

Mary: Babe I think you need to tell them now or soon.

Gaelle: What about you?! You haven't even told your parents only your auntie knows!

Mary: W-well I-Im done with life

Gaelle: We will tell them soon!

                       Avi: You need to tell them early so they wont get mad at you and they'll understand.

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