True or False?

556 8 51

UN: Bolkoniczka dares everyone to play true or false, which basically, I'll tell you something, and you have to say if it's true or false. Also I'm adding a reward and a punishment! I'm also gonna add questions.

UN: The reward if you're in a couple is a beach resort for a couple chapters with a soundproof deluxe room! If you're not, you're going to the same place, but you have a solo room.

UN: The punishment is death

Kaito: W-What?!

Monokuma: Hey, that's my job!

UN: Oh, shut up, would you?

UN: The actual punishment is being put into your worst nightmare

Tsumugi: You can do that???

UN: Yep! After all, I can warp this reality because I'm the author

Korekiyo: Interesting...

UN: Alright, this is gonna take a while!

UN: Sayaka, Taylor Swift just got into drama, to my knowledge, with Donald Trump?

Sayaka: Wait, what? I don't live in the US?!


Sayaka: Uh, I give up-


Sayaka: NO NO NO *Sent to a scene where all her band members are being tortured in front of her*

UN: Leon, the square root of 144 is 13. You have 2 seconds

Leon: Yes?


Leon: *Sent to the scene where he killed Sayaka* AAAAAAAAAAAA

UN: Chihiro, the visual novel with 4 girls including Monika is named Doki Doki Literature Club

Monaca: Did someone say Monaca?

Chihiro: True

UN: Congrats

Chihiro: *Sent to room*

UN: Mondo, Daiya is your older brother.

Mondo: True, you idiot

UN: Wow rude

Mondo: *Sent to deluxe room next to Chihiro's*

UN: Ishimaru, one of your memes is 'Not allowed in a school environment'

Ishimaru: Wait, what? True?

UN: Congrats, go fuck your boyf-

Ishimaru: *sent to same room as Mondo*

UN: Hifumi, which fandom do I write fanfiction for?

Hifumi: I believe the answer is danganronpa!

UN:Yea, no duh-

Hifumi: *Sent to the worse room which is actually pretty good*

UN: Celeste, your real name is Celestia Ludenburg

Celeste: True


Celeste: *In crowd looking completely normal* N o

UN: Sakura, you would rather die than have Aoi get hurt

Sakura: True

Aoi: Jfjfjdnjd w h a t

UN: Correct

Sakura: *Sent to room*

UN: Mukuro, you would do anything for your sister

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