the boy

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Kaycee POV

My copper brown hair fluttered in the air, and my clothes clung tight on my body, my arms tightly wrapped around me. I felt a calming breeze stroke my skin and the sun beaming down on my head. It was the strangest autumn for time out of mind. The trees remained clothed in green until October came around and all of a sudden were a riot of color.

These days my shoes had no grip. The sidewalk was always wet and the threat of the rain looked in the mornings. I watched as my breath smoked and rises above me. Fall was beginning.

It was my favorite time of the year no doubt about that. It was a comfortable earthy aroma and soft light, fog with swirling leaves, I mean can you not like it. The season of fall wraps around my senses like a well work glove as I do my daily dose of walking to my favorite coffee shop.

I love observing. I love crowds. I love the way people walk, roughly in one direction, weaving a little, chatting as they go. I watch them, some heads down and lost in thoughts. I wonder what their private worlds are like - each of them viewing the same place, this same day, from a unique perspective. Some of them notice the sun, others hold on to the clouds that remain of yesterday's rainstorm. Either way their figures soothe me.

You might be thinking which one are you. The beaming sun or the dark clouds. I honestly couldn't give you a straight forward answer. I believe we all have a light and dark inside of us. One outshines more than the other. I try to have a equal balance but on particular days the sun is just too hard to contain.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I haven't even noticed that I have arrived and been standing outside the door for some time now. My cheeks blushed a rosy pink as my eyes trails around my surroundings wondering if anyone noticed. I opened the door and the familiar bell goes off. I immediately started walking to my favorite spot. I soon realized another person was occupying that window. It was the area where the light shined in just the right places. Where you can look outside and wonder about all the things you see. I guess I stood there to long because the boys eyes raised. I snatched a glance before I looked away by embarrassment.

However my eyes couldn't help but drift back. His hair, dark and dull, like charcoal. He was slumped back in his chair. He seemed locked away in his book. The book was new and looked heavy, the cover was soft and delicate as he ran his fingers over the faded blue bindings. He fingered the black lettering carefully making sure he understands every word. Words appeared and disappeared as his eyes flitted across the pages as he desperately wants to know more. I didn't know how long as I was staring until I realized that he was no longer sitting at the window but was right in front of me. Oh god.

Well this was my first chapter (obviously). I'm kind of exploring different ways of writing so if you don't mind giving me any suggestions that would be great. I love having meaning behind the story so I hope you don't mind the very descriptive paragraphs 😂. I hoped you enjoyed- meee
(This story is based off of paper towns)

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