smirks and chuckles

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"Hi you keep looking at me I want to know why."
He saw the shock register on my face before I could hide it. No ones really ever acknowledged my presences before. A small smile played on his lips. I guess he gets that a lot. It wasn't what he said that was shocking. His words were ordinary like vanilla pudding with a hint of curiosity, it was the demanding and richness of his tone. It was something I didn't expect. There was something about him that drew people to him. I guess it didn't hurt that he was a good looking boy; but it was more than that. He seemed quiet but not shy. It was reservedness, like a conscious choice to observe his surroundings before he involved. Yet he wasn't stand-offish, he remained friendly faced and had a welcoming body posture. He was a cast of an orange-yellow glow of the aging street-lamps but it was subtle.
"Umm.." My voice drifted off. I was caught off guard I didn't know what to say. So I stated the truth.
"You were sitting in the seat I usually go to and you looked interesting."
Did I seriously just call a stranger interesting. I am mentally slapping myself right now. A little chuckle left his smirking lips.
"Interesting you say. Well, I think you are interesting too." At this point we both let a laugh escape our mouths. While a red tone took place on my cheeks.
"So Ms. interesting what is your name?" I don't know if it was the fierceness in his eyes or his upfront attitude that made me build up the confidence to say something so... perplexing?
"That sounds like something that should be left to the unknown." And with that, I left. I honestly don't know why maybe to give the moment a more poetic feel. I mean I am a sucker for mysterious literature. I didn't even get a chance to get my coffee and it's too late now because it would be quite awkward; walking back into the coffee shop to be stopped by that dark hair and brown eyes again.
So I just decided to walk to the Millennium dance studio. Since I have a class that starts in 10 minutes. It was only a 5-minute walk from the coffee shop to the studio so I'll make it right on time.
Dance was always a passion of mine. It's like every movement is a way to express yourself and just let go. It allows me to just breathe. The feeling of being able to move with clarity and absolute control. The music, the beat, the rhythm makes you feel alive. Something I wouldn't trade for the world.
I've finally made it to the studio. The familiar airy feel of the building hasn't changed at all. The red walls still looked like they were just freshly applied and the mirror was as clear as a crystal. I was a bit early so I decided to stretch. The room was empty like it usually is at this time. That was until I heard a creak. It startled me causing myself to fall backwards. I winced at the pain and slowly got up and fixated my eyes on the particular male who opened that door. By the time I did so the room filled up with people before I was able to catch a glimpse of his face. So I left him alone thinking it was a lost cause.

"Ok class today we will be dancing to Move Your Body from Sia," Nika announced loudly to gather all our attention. "I want you guys to really feel the dance and engulf it and let it become one with yourself. I want you to make an internal connection to this piece."

I really tried to take her inspiring words and put it in my life in the perfect place. As she started teaching the moves I couldn't help but let my eyes drift around the room in search of that boy. He was very captivating. His odd figure remained on the top of my head. He seemed familiar but not familiar at all. I shook my head vigorously trying to to get rid of this taunting image out of my mind. He is like a song: He can't get out of my head.

We finally finished learning the choreography and she started to call on people to perform. "Can I get Kaycee and Sean." As I started to walk to the middle of the room I see a guy trail behind me. I catch a glimpse of him and realized it was the mysterious guy from before. He turned toward me as we got to our positions. It was the dark hair and those chocolate warm eyes with the defined dimples that gave it away. It was the guy from the coffee shop. What a coincidental event. His brown orbs locked with mine. My eyes travel around his face trying to grasp on to every detail. His whole face tells one story but his eyes tell something else. It's like he was living behind a translucent wall. A mask to hide his true self from the world. A place to keep his personal life hidden. He was like a book, with pages that are stuck together for want of use: his mind needs unpacking and the truths stored within must be turned over from time to time, to not mental deprive his soul and drain his humanity.

We looked away once the music started and I just let it moved me. My mind was clear and only focused on my movements and beats. I wanted to focus on my younger self and how I didn't overthink everything I did and how I just let myself go with the flow and played around and had fun. Running around the playground with my friends. Singing to songs out of tune. Dancing. And before I knew it the song was over. And so was my fantasy as I was brought back to reality from the claps that carried around the room.

The only thing that was left on my mind was how was someone so bright and vibrant look so dark and depressing on the inside.

Here's another chapter for you. I'm kind of going with the flow with this chapter so work with me. I hope you like it. 😁

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