Zach Herron - Australia

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The boy's why don't we tour had been a crazy haze of adventure and laughs. Currently, all of the boys were in Australia, they where loving it. The accents, the sites, even the heat. They where loving Australia. The boys had one night without a performance, they decided to go clubbing. [Pretend their all 18] Walking into the second club of the night, Zach was pretty smashed and the alcohol was already effecting his actions. He stumbled slightly as we walked to the bar, "can I get a Vodka Pineapple Cruiser?" Zach asked the male bartender, his words were slightly slurred.

As he walked back to his group of friends, his body collided with another. The bottle he once held in his hand was now up side down, the liquid had rushed down the front of whom ever he had bumped into. His eyes widened. "Shit, I'm sorry." Zach apologised quickly.

"Nah, Mate, she'll be right. It's just a bit of grog, do you need a hand gettin' back to your mates. You look pretty smashed." You replied quickly, you didn't mind that your once white shirt was now tinted yellow. You were worried for the stranger, his accent was American meaning that chances were he didn't know his way around well. He looked around your age and he's quite intoxicated. He's cheeks were rosy and his hair looked messier than most likely intended.

Your accent made his heart flutter, he loved the sound of your voice. It was like music to his ears. Your kindness was unmistakable. Others would have freaked after what Zach had done to your shirt but the fact that you had been more worried about him then your shirt showed what an amazing person you truly were.

"I didn't understand a lot of that, but I think you said you wanted to help me find my friends, and if you did, then yes please." Zach replied, his eyes studying your face and your body. He thought you were the most you beautiful girl he had ever seen, even in his drunken state.

You laughed at his words, "Who are your mates? What do they look like? Wait, what's your name, man?"

"Corbyn, Jonah, Jack and Daniel. Corbyn has bleach blonde hair, Jonah is tall with brown hair, Jack has really swirly curly hair and Daniel has brown hair too. I'm Zachary Dean Herron, but you can call be Zach. What's your name beautiful?" You laughed at his slight attempt at flirting. You started scanning the crowd of people for a group of boys that matched the description Zach, as you had just learned, had told you.

"I'm Y/N, and I think I can see your friends over there." You wrapped your left arm around his waist and began to guide him in the direction of the 4 boys you had seen earlier.

"Pretty name." He muttered just as you arrived at the other boys.

"Uhh, hi, are you missing this guy? He said his name's Zach." You interrupted their conversation, a look of relief crossed their faces when they saw Zach attached at your hip.

"Yes, thank you, we were just getting worried." The curly haired boy lent over and detached Zach from you.

You pulled a sharpie from your back pocket, pulled back the sleeve of Zach's arm and wrote across it. You kissed his cheek and walked away, the second you did the boys began to bombard Zach with questions.

The next morning, Zach awoke, his head pounding. His eyes wondered to the black ink across his arm.

"(***)*** ***, Text me, cutie - Y/N"

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