Chapter 1

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Uhhh,, so soulmate AU where you get every scar that your soulmate does.

Co-Written by WhiskersdaCatfoosh

TW: There are a few mentions of self-harm. :<

Kai traced the scar over his eye. He still hadn't found his soulmate. He knew that everyone's soulmates developed over time, but- He sighed. He doubted that his soulmate was anywhere near him at this point. Or that he even had one.

He saw no one with a scar over the same eye. His teammates hadn't either. No scars had appeared, and for all he knew his soulmate was careful.

Or just that they hadn't developed that connection yet.

He knew that Jay had joked about him not having a soulmate yet either, but Kai had mostly dismissed that, as Zane was speaking with him about it one night. For all Kai knew, Cole didn't have one at all.

The night the first scar came in was jarring. Kai was in his bed, asleep, when the stench of blood woke him up. He sat up and used his arm to wipe his eyes.Bad idea. Something wet was on his arm, and some of it got into his mouth. It tasted like metal.

It tasted like blood.

He quickly dashed out of the room, bumping into Jay, who seemed to be tired himself, walking back to the shared room. Jay didn't seem to notice and/or care that there was blood on Kai's face.

As the fire ninja made his way into the bathroom, he turned on the lights. He squinted, the light was a stark contrast to the dark hallways. He looked into the mirror, a faint red streak across his face. He quietly washed it off, the water cool against his warm skin.

Kai looked to his arm, the blood coming through his pajamas. He cleaned as much out as he could before rolling up the sleeve. A bleeding cut, clear and easy to see, right across his wrist. He was sharing the pain with his soulmate.

He rinsed it with water once again, before wrapping it with a bandage. He exited the bathroom, one thought raging in his mind.

Why was his soulmate doing that?


Kai was up a little later than usual the next few days, blaming it on missed sleep. Jay seemed to be out of it as well, but it wasn't as far-fetched.

He clenched his hand, punching the punching bag used for training. He had gained the first scar from his soulmate. And it wasn't a small insignificant one. He punched the bag. Not a cool battle one. Another punch. No, it looked like self harm.

The first one could have been a mistake, but the other ones, the next ones were in succession. All straight across, all in a line. They were purposeful. They weren't going to fade any time soon. So, Kai made a promise to himself to when he found his soulmate, he would help them through it.

But that was only when he found his soulmate. It could be a long time off from now.

He punched the bag once more, his teeth gritted. As Cole entered the room, Kai looked over, the punching bag hitting Kai and making him fall over. "Cole, really?"

Scars - A Ninjago Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now