Chapter 3

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Edited as of 10/30/18




Jay gasped as the room seemed as it was closing in on him. The shadows were there, beckoning him in, wanting him to go. But he couldn't, he had to make sure he was fine. Was he dead? The room was still eerily silent. He noticed someone in the corner, but he ignored them, as it seemed to be nothing.

It was a while before someone came in, a doctor, he assumed, as they were checking his vitals. He walked forward to try and speak with the person, but they walked right through him and out of the room, after uttering something with the word 'coma' to the other in the room. He forgot about it.

Jay decided to leave the room, something he wasn't as comfortable with. There were people all over, nobody paying him any mind. As if he was invisible. A ghost.

He rushed through, ice pouring through his veins, the fear becoming too real. He was dead. Was dead. Dead. It took him a while to leave the foreboding hallway, stopping to a doorway which had stairs to one side and led into a large, dome-ish room.

The lightning ninja decided to go up the stairs, having a few uneventful tries where he couldn't get his footing. He made his way up, a few steps bringing a problem, but nothing else much. When he reached the top, a bridge bridging out to a cage, containing three people.

Jay blinked, walking up to the metal container, looking at the people inside: his parents and Cliff.

"I'm sorry I just left him there, I should have just told you, or at the very least, left more of a note than just his name." Cliff mumbled.

His ma looked up, tears in her eyes, "It's okay, I just did wish for more. At least you're here now, even though Jay really never had a good conversation with you. All we can do is hope."

They weren't noticing him. "Jay will need us if he comes back." His father was comforting his mother, looking to Cliff, a sad look on his face.

"I just feel so bad that right when I meet him, some group decides to come and get us. Possibly killing him."

They sat in a strained silence. Jay attempted to come in and comfort them, but he fazed through the cage, falling, falling,



Kai had gone out first. He would be the one to find Jay. He would find him no matter what.

It was a bit of a surprise when Cole followed him out, asking to speak with him. They had flown for a bit before stopping, sitting and going to talk.

"So it's Jay who was..?" Cole asked, Kai solemnly nodding. "That explains some of it. But, why?" The silence was almost deafening. "He had better be okay so I can talk to him."

Kai laughed. "He will be. I'll make sure of it."

They sat there for a while before heading out once more, their dragons their only tool besides one another.



Jay's scream echoed only to himself in the room as he fell to the ground, a second death awaiting him.

When he hit the ground, a sharp pain hit him, the impact hurting. But as soon as it appeared, it was gone. There was no pain. Only the nothingness of being a spirit or ghost or whatever he was. How did Cole survive being one?

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