Chapter 7

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*drops* here ya go!!!!

new chappie!!


"Help!..." The voice in the com scared Nya. "Someone!..." The voice was Kai's but his words were hard to make out through the static. "I'm losing Jay. I'm losing him!"

Nya turned on her mic. "Kai, what's wrong? Kai! Please answer me."

"He's falling-..."


"Crap- WATER." His voice cut out as a splash was heard.

"Kai? Kai are you alright?" Nya sat straight up. "Kai? Kai?!?"

"Nya, what's wrong?" Skylor put a hand on her soulmate's shoulder.

"Kai. We need to get his location. Quick." Nya stood up, tapping her com once more. "Zane, you there?"

"What? What's wrong?" The master of amber was now up and walking as well.

"Zane, pick up..." Water hissed, hoping for something.

The com crackled. "Nya?"

"Thank God, Zane." She sighed. "Did you get the thing from Kai?"

"Actually, I did." Zane muttered through the communicator. "I am sending a message to Cole and Lloyd about this. Do you and Skylor wish to go out to the site to check it?"

Skylor sighed quietly. "I have to get going. Sorry, Nya." She flashed a small smile as she walked away. "Tell the robo I wish him best regards." She saluted and left the room.

Nya nodded quickly then spoke back to Zane. "Send me the coordinates. I will be there as soon as possible."


"What was that?" Lloyd mumbled through the com, his voice sounding tired.

Zane sighed. "Again, Lloyd, we received a brief but important distress signal from Kai not even 10 minutes ago. I have sent Nya to go check it out. I believe Cole is also going. I was going to ask if you wanted to go as well, but it seems as if you need your rest."


"Lloyd, just come back to the bounty. You need to rest. We have got this for now."

"Mhm. I'll come back." The green ninja's voice was tired and slow. "What's happening.?"

Zane groaned. "Get back here Lloyd. I'll explain when you do." The nindroid adjusted his line so he was talking on Nya and Cole's. "How we doing?"

"I'm almost there." Nya stated, "Cole?"

"I'm on my way, heh. Not that close just yet."

Zane began. "So, he seemed to be falling or something, after Jay. Which, by what he said earlier and by what the scroll said, is in a coma-like state as a spirit. And, looking at the coordinates and what he said about water, they fell into a lake."

"Wait, like when I was a ghost, I couldn't touch water. Does that mean if Jay fell into the water, he...?" The earth elemental trailed off.

Nya gasped. "Cole, don't think like that! Follow Jay's directions! Stay positive!"

Zane clicked. "Just get there. We will see what is available to follow at the lake."

There was a stretch of silence before Nya spoke up again.

"I'm there."


"Nice, you see anything yet?" Cole asked, fixing his mask. "I'm almost there as of right now. Assuming by my place on the GPS, I will be there once I get over this mountain." He reared his dragon up, floating over the mountain ahead of him.

"Okay," Nya spoke, "I can see you Cole, just land over by me."

The black ninja grunted in a response as he landed, making his elemental dragon fade away. "Alright, how are we going to search?"

The water ninja mumbled something and she pulled up a holographic map. Pointing to a place on the map, it zoomed in. "Here are we, right next to the lake. Now-" She moved her finger over the lake on the screen. "Here is the last place we got communication from him, right before he hit the water. So, our best bet is to check out that area first."

"How are we going to search-"

"Cole. I have water powers, remember?" Nya pinched the bridge of her nose. "I will lift some water so it will be enough for anything to stay at the bottom, but little enough-"

Cole started to think about soulmates. Kai and Jay were. He was jealous. Them both having a soulmate, then him not having one, as he had reached the point at where it was almost impossible to get one. His only chance was slim, very slim, and most people didn't wait long before giving up.

Sure, it meant he could pretty much choose anyone he wanted, as he was a strong believer of when you get a soulmate, you were to be with them. But, now that he knew that he probably wouldn't get one, he decided to let his emotions control it. Better to love someone instead of getting rid of his hopes right away.

That was why he let himself have that crush on the nindroid.

"-and you will hopefully grab a clue. Got it?"

"Oh, sure. Got it." Well, bad idea to zone out now, rockhead.

She sighed. "Right. You ready? Remember that you might not have much time."

He nodded quickly, getting ready to go in as she lifted the water.


Before going, he noticed the lake was pretty deep, deeper than he thought it would be. Nya wouldn't be able to hold it for a s long as he had hoped.

Cole jumped in, beginning to wade through the water in search of something, anything, being careful not to disturb the silt and dirt on the bottom much. He scanned the bottom of the lake, keeping his eyes peeled.

There it was. Kai's mask was buried in the mud. The earth ninja reached into the water and grabbed the mask. He could tell the communicator inside was damaged by the water and would never be able to be repaired, so he only held it as he looked once more around him.

A red glint caught his eye. Cole made his way over to see a hole underneath the water. Dirt and mud had begun to fill it up, but he snatched the two items within it. His arm was now soaked, but he had gotten what he wanted.

Two shiny scales. One red, one blue.

"Nya! I'm coming out! I found something!"


"We found Kai's mask, and these scales." Cole placed the items on the table.

"I get the mask, but why the scales?" Lloyd muttered, rubbing his eyes.

Nya shrugged. "Cole decided they were important for some reason."

"They are, Nya." The earth ninja retorted, "I found them by the mask. They were in some kind of sinkhole or something under the water. Even if they aren't directed to Kai and Jay, they have to be something."

"Yes. They seem quite odd in general." Zane stated, picking up the red scale. "Dragon scales maybe? But to be underwater like that..."

The green ninja was wide awake now. "Okay. That just sounds weird. And for them to be red and blue? That can't be a coincidence."

"That is what I'm saying! Dragon scales, like Zane said, and them being red and blue like Kai and Jay? There has to be something with it!" Cole replied, his eyes wide.

"But what?" The ninja of ice hummed.

"I don't know."



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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