Chapter 2

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Chapter 2!!

i will tag whiskers every time i do this, its fun



alright, here's the next one!!!


Kai flew through the cold air, a light snowfall turning into a full-on blizzard. The snow melted and turned into steam as it hit his dragon, but it didn't help.

There was no sign of Jay, just the darkness and the snow reflecting light from his dragon. He tried to get a signal- a hint- anything that could help him find the blue ninja.

Kai knew it was a hard task- he had to save him. He had to. He couldn't lose a teammate, no matter how much he would ever wish. He landed for a break, the snow twirling around him. He found a nook in an oak tree, the cold coming in slowly.

When he awoke the next morning, snow had drifted its way up against the hole, some of it falling in. He melted it, making it easy for him to get out. The sun was blaring down on the snow as he resummoned his dragon, taking off once more.

The wind was light that morning. Kai was flying above the land, high up. There were no signs. He landed on the outskirts of Ninjago city, almost giving up hope, wanting to just wait for a sign to come instead of searching. It was just pointless.

He trudged through the snow, coming to a small crime scene. He ran up to the officers there. "What happened here, and why weren't we notified?"

One of the officers looked to him. "I have no idea why you weren't notified, I thought you were, but there was a break in. We haven't been here for long. You are a ninja, you willing to come in with?"

Kai nodded, the group entering the building, a few officers already in. Red's hand lit up with fire, searching the building quickly. It wasn't long before someone yelled, having found something.

The fire ninja ran quickly to a room, a window smashed in, and snow dusting in. They continued on, a blood stain on the floor. Kai's hand lit up, filling the room with a fiery glow. An officer turned on a light, prompting Kai to snuff it out.

The stain was still wet, a dagger left in the middle. He glanced around, seeing a scrap of cloth on the floor nearby. He grabbed it.

It was the exact color of Jay's gi.

The officers were testing the blood.

Kai had doubt nagging at his mind, but fear was most prominent.

Someone was talking.

The world was floating in and out for the ninja.

"You- test- someone?" The words were barely audible.

"Jay..." He gasped, the blood was too much. There was too much for anyone to be fine from a wound like that.

More talking. A whirring noise, and then someone asking for something. The scrap of cloth was taken from Kai's hand.

"It's Jay." The officer mumbled before talking into his com, "The blue ninja and Cliff Gordon both seem to be missing- blood. Blood, a large pool. Yes. Send for the rest of the ninja. We have the red one here."

The confirmation was enough to make Kai panic.


Jay woke up blearily, his arm almost feeling as if it was splitting open. It was wrapped with something. He pushed himself up with his good arm, looking around. "Where am I?"

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