Chapter 4

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Here we go, chapter 4. This one comes in at a 2633 word count according to the Google Doc, pretty nice if you ask me.

Here we have some Cole sections, which I think will become a regular thing, as we might need a little something from the team's view every once in a while.


It was cool and all that that Kai and Jay were soulmates. The real worry was that Jay was gone and they had no idea where he was, except for the few clues they were given. And there weren't many.

And it wasn't helping their ninja of fire at all. Nya and Skylor coincidentally were soulmates as well. As if that didn't make Cole a little jealous.

He sat in silence as he ate, watching Zane tap away on his computer. The ninja of earth looked over to Lloyd, who was gazing at the ever-present burn scar on his hand. The sign of the younger boy's soulmate.

It was all too much to bear. Cole knew he didn't have one. Lou, his father, said that it was common in his family to not have soulmates, except for the fact that the man's soulmate was Cole's mother. Not right.

That meant it was most likely that he didn't have a soulmate. It both made him feel bad, but it was also a good thing for his emotions.

He might've had, or has a crush on Zane. The titanium ninja. The robot on the team. The one who couldn't get a soulmate. Unless he could, and I'm just wasting my time. He shook the thought out of his head as he worked on concentrating on what Zane was doing and not the nindroid himself.

Cole spoke nothing about it. It worried him too much.

So, he waited.

He watched Nya and Skylor go over to Kai. The earth ninja heard bits of their conversation, including little things about Jay and them working their best to find him. When Kai stormed off, the girls stood in silence, looks of worry on their faces.

Neither of them made a move to stop the fire ninja.

Cole watched him go, knowing that he would be off again, looking for the lightning elemental, ignoring all protests and warnings.

And, gosh, how the earth ninja wanted to do that. He wanted to just run out like that, but he wasn't known to do that. He didn't even have a reason. The rest of the team just remained, giving him his time. That's just how it was.

So, he remained silent.


Kai had just decided to take a break in a cave, as it was getting tiring to keep up on his dragon the whole time. But, life had decided to mess him up and make him think that there was someone outside the cave, out on the ledge.

He had heard rocks being displaced, scattering around. The fire ninja had peered out to check if anyone was there, but, no one.

Until he heard the muttering.

It was quiet, but it was there, almost as if a ghost was nearby, talking. He tentatively spoke, as if he was too much the ghost would be gone. "Is someone there?"

He heard a yelp. Almost sounded like Jay.

Unless it was his mind getting to him.

"Y-you can see me?" A sound responded to him, disembodied, but still Jay's high-pitched worrying voice.

"I don't see anyone out there, Jay." Kai tried to let him know it was him and to see if his suspicions were correct.

"Oh. Kinda hoped that you, my soulmate, through whatever inconsiderable magic, would at least be able to see me, but hearing me is something at least." A pause. "You don't seem surprised at me saying I'm your soulmate."

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