Chapter 5

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Sorry, a shorter chap, but hnnnn.

Also, I think i may be riding alone from now on *glares at wife* 

I will probably be writing it on my own from now on, as shes floating away T-T 

She helped with the plot ima play it out on me ownnnn


Zane was on the large main computer, searching every database he could for the book. He felt bad for doubting Kai so quickly, but the other had gotten riled up as well.

There was nothing on the book, almost as if was nonexistent, had vanished at some point. No info, no mention, no nothing. He had tried many search engines, many old databases, library websites. There was nothing to do.

He felt like he had failed.

He hit the keyboard, anger flashing through his system. Why had he been mad at Kai in the first place? What made him that mad?

Was it that he was annoyed with Kai for running in the first place?

Or was he mad that Kai had a soulmate?


Cole searched through Wu's study fruitlessly, hoping to find the book. They had to find it before anything bad happened.

They wouldn't let Jay fade, would they?

No. Cole would never let that happen to his best friend. And Kai would be absolutely devastated.

The scars would disappear from his skin, no more soulmate for him.

Did he think of that as a good thing?

He shook the thought from his head.

No. Don't think that.

He turned on his com. "Having any luck, Lloyd?"

He waited for the green ninja's garbled response.

And don't think about your crush on Zane, either.


"No luck just yet." Lloyd responded, pulling out another book from the shelf.

Why Lloyd, of all of them, was chosen to search the dusty old library, he didn't know. There was nothing he could find. He was bad with libraries. Last time he was in one, he destroyed it.

He scanned through the books, the titles all things he didn't recognise. At this point, Lloyd would bet that he would miss it completely, he was getting so distracted.

He absentmindedly scratched the scar on his hand. His soulmate's. Smiling, he continued on with looking.

What was that title again?


"Can you imagine if I was the one to be captured?" Skylor asked, her legs crossed as he sat on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

"That's kinda insensitive, don't you think?" Nya asked back, a bite in her tone. She loved her soulmate dearly, but the girl could say things without thinking sometimes.

"I didn't mean it like that, but, like, how would you feel if you were in Kai's shoes?"

"I'd be distressed, probably, I would get mad that I wasn't believed, but I wouldn't run."

"Now, put yourself in Jay's shoes."

"I'd feel lonely."


Nya gave her soulmate a look then shrugged, leaning against her. "Now, we need to help them find the book."

"I'd have no idea where to find it." Skylor picked at her nail. "Wait." The master of amber sat up.


"I have an idea of where it could be."

"Where?" Nya's spirits began to soar.

"My father's island."


"What are we going to do now?" Jay groaned, his face in his hands. Him and Kai were high up above the ground, flying through the air. Last he had checked, they were over the mountains. That had been a while ago. Now he had no idea where they were.

Kai was still mad, and wasn't talking, only controlling the dragon and continuing straight on. There was no telling where he would be taking them. Far away, most likely.

"Kai where are we going?"

Still no answer from the fire ninja.

"Kai please talk to me, it's getting boring just sitting here."

There was just more silence except for the sound of wingbeats and the rain hitting the dragon.

Jay found himself growing tired, his eyelids drooping. He began to slump forward, going to lean on his soulmate. He forgot about his spirit form, instead falling not on Kai, but through him.

The lightning ninja fell through the elemental dragon with a shrill scream, plummeting to the oh-so far-down valley below.

The rain and wind roared in his ears, a freezing fear seizing him. He was going down. No way of stopping himself. If he wasn't able to summon his dragon in the first place, he wouldn't be able to now.

Was he going to actually fully die this time? The first time it wasn't this high up, but now, he didn't know if that shock from the first time would multiply and fully kill him. "Kai!"


He couldn't see the dragon.

"Kai! Please!"

He tried to summon his dragon. If there was a chance, it had to come now.

"Please! Help!" His voice was lost in the wind as he fell.

He was growing closer to the ground, fear spiking him once more.

"Please don't die, please don't die, please don't die..."

He found himself plummeting into a deep darkness; water.

The dark was suffocating, beckoning and pulling him down once more. He couldn't swim upwards. He couldn't escape. There was nothing letting him go, he was sinking deeper and deeper.

This spirit form was hurting him.

He was going to die.

By drowning.

God, how Kai would have been so much more scared.

The light was growing smaller, unseeable, nothing left.

The dark was clouding his vision.

The last thing he saw was a red glow.


Oof, cliffhanger

comment and vote. makes me want to write more xD

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