Risks We Take - Part Three.

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Lilly had been correct in her conviction that a majority of their number would be on board with upping sticks and heading out for The Greenbrier.

It was not unanimous but there were enough votes for the win with only Sophie and Tenn voicing some hesitation.

Clementine assumed that this was born from their brush with the walkers as the trek would undoubtedly see them encounter a great many more.

However defeat followed victory as allowing for a democratic vote in that instance had come at a price for Lilly when it came to her desire to return to the roadhouse. For this one she found herself in a minority of one as everyone else agreed they had enough to eat comfortably for a good while longer.

Naturally her reaction to this was less than pleasant but even she wouldn't allow herself to look so obviously hypocritical as to overrule the consensus.

So instead she had taken to building on the victory she had been on the right side of, aquiring the map from Violet that morning and insisting everybody make themselves useful elsewhere while she set on plotting their expedition in peace.

One route on foot, and one route by car, should they be bestowed a miracle by finding one that would actually start this far in. The odds were next to zero.

Clementine addressed this fact when the group stopped along a residential area containing ample vehicles, all of which jutted out at angles in their path, mounted curbs, or otherwise sat whichever way but on their wheels. If indeed they even still had them.

"I don't know guys, I can't see us finding a ride here. I think Violet was right when she told me I'd totalled the last working one in existence." She said, hands on hips before them.

"So what are we going to do then?" Tenn asked, looking to be given direction. He looked a little out of his element at being thrust into the wide open, having  been almost exclusively used to the walls of Ericson and later the Sharpsburg water tower.

Clementine assumed the attack had done nothing to improve his confidence in that respect. She also wondered if his stance on the walkers collective humanity had changed any.

She looked around at the houses flanking them on either side. They seemed to hold a lot more promise for useful finds within them. Clementine could tell that even with the broken windows and thriving weeds and vines slowly entombing the outer walls that they had belonged to an affluent neighborhood once.

We still look, because, well, you never know. But I guess we, er, search for general supplies now. We're good on the food front after yesterday. So things like medical, they should take priority. Bandages, gauze. But beyond that, hell, anything you want to make the days easier. Just remember you're going to be carrying whatever it is when we leave tomorrow." She finished.

"Like what?" AJ asked at her side. Clem looked down, running through ideas that could appeal, his top hung off him, already threadbare despite it being given to him only weeks before.

"Well, for starters you could use new clothes. But how about some art supplies for you and Tenn? So you can make more drawings?" She said, hopefully. His unbridled joy and subsequent high five with Tenn had given her suggestion the seal of approval.

"You can come with me and Violet while we look through these houses" She added, his happiness infectious to her.

"I think you're going to be better out here." Minnie declared in a tone that suggested it would come to pass. She stood, her confident presence returned to the level it had been at the previous day at the roadhouse. When Clementine indicated a need for her reasoning she continued at her behest.

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