Our Last Days - Part Five.

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Louis elaborated on how everything went down as the group listened, waiting out the dead on the rooftop of the Uniontown mall, the blackened sky of nightfall prevailing.

He told candidly how he had headed down to the basement alone while the rest searched on the ground floor, coming to open up a door with a thick piece of two by four wedged through both handles.

It had turned out to be the hospitals morgue, and inside it had been crammed with more dead bodies than the place was ever equipped to hold. A likely result of the early days of the outbreak.

He had ran away in blind panic and the dead followed behind. By the time Louis managed to shout up to warn the others the small horde had reached the ground floor, forcing Louis one way and the other four up to the second floor.

"Why the hell did you open the door? The two by four through the handles should have been clue enough that whatever was inside wasn't good news!" Violet asked, angrily.

Louis protested, giving his logic but the group didn't seem to be buying it once he'd finished explaining.

"I thought I heard somebody in there! It sounded like a young girl crying. I didn't know what to think. Maybe she was held captive or something."

"And did you find this girl?"

"No... I mean I didn't have much chance after I got the door open what with the fucking walkers but... it was weird. I still heard her crying, in that room, when I was running away."

"That makes no fucking sense. If that lot down there were in that room with her she'd be nothing but grisle. They'd have- have eaten her vocal chords the second she made any noise." Violet argued.

"Guys, keep the noise down." Clementine said, in a whisper that she wanted the group to follow.

"I know that, Vi! Maybe I'm losing my mind but I swear thats what I heard in there." Louis shot back, adamant in his certainty.

"Arguing over this is a waste of time. The walkers got out. We need to talk about how we're going to get Minnie, and Tenn, and the other two out of there!" Sophie purported, desperately.

"I'm not sure there is much we can do, Soph. We're as trapped as they are until the morning at least." Violet said, sadly.

"Well- I'm not going to do that. I-I can't just wait and hope I see them come out of there alive! Minnie saved me by the banks! I can't just lie here when she needs me. When Tenn needs me! The longer they're in there the less odds there is that- that they're not dead." She stood up from her lying position and stared off to the hospital.

"We have to get in there. Is anybody going to help me? Because I will go on my own." She asked, back to them.

"Sophie, I've seen how many are in there. You'll die." Louis put bluntly. This didn't seem to deter her.

"Then I'll die for my family. That's what you do! That's what Aasim did." She turned around then, arms folded and in a position before the group that she clearly found uncomfortable, having been used to being in her sisters shadow.

She looked at Clementine. "You nearly died saving that- that fucking Lilly. Non of us were on board with that decision. But you did it anyway. Because YOU thought she was worth it. Now I trust that if she was, my family are too."

Clementine knew she was right. If she stuck her neck out for Lilly, a woman she knew to be morally grey at best, and yet someone she considered somewhere approaching a harsh aunt by this point, then she couldn't balk at doing the same when it came to keeping the true blood Sophie, Minnie and Tenn shared together.

Salvation. The Walking Dead: Season Five.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora