Our Last Days - Part Three.

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Two days later and they had persevered enough to find themselves slightly ahead of schedule, according to Lilly at least.

The first day had gone without much of a hitch other than the complaints of tiredness from the younger two, which Clementine knew was to be expected. As long as they didn't start asking "Are we there yet?" She could live with the  occasional grumble.

Walkers had been plentiful but no more than one or two got in their path at any one time which made executing them a non event.

They had settled for the night just outside of a town called Elizabeth as the road leaving it had looked too long for them to traverse before nightfall.

Hartmans Auto Body Shop had been where they'd laid their heads. Its size had been ideal for keeping them all snug in one office room and the small car lot outside crowded with broken vehicles had given them complete coverage from any potential seiges.

Opportunities for scavenging had been passed over in their steadfastness to cover as much ground as possible and in turn keep their luck from grinding to a halt.

And thankfully it had held thus far with no run ins to speak of as they arrived at their second stopping point, a place called Uniontown.

Passing the sign signifying their arrival there had prompted another episode of 'Factoids with Lilly' that had started in Elizabeth where she had informed the group that it had been named after a real woman called Elizabeth Mackay Bayard, though she failed to elaborate on what made her so special.

"Uniontown. Birthplace of the great George Marshall! Military leader. Secretary of State and, Secretary of Defence-" she's started.

"Not a very good one by the looks of it..." Minnie said sarcastically. Lilly shot her a spiteful look.

"He passed away long before you or I were even thought of, kid. And have some respect." Lilly added though this made a few snigger at her hypocrisy.

"Anything else?" Violet asked, trying to keep the peace. Lilly thought for a few moments before she relinquished a rather inferior achievement in her mind.

"Also the birthplace of The Big Mac."

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" Louis said happily until he realised he hadn't had one in a very long time and knowing he likely never would again. AJ tugged on Clementines sleeve.

"What's a Big Mac?" He asked innocently, furrowing his forehead when Louis laughed at such a question, forgetting AJ had been born knowing only the apocalypse.

"It's a food, made from animals. Like the ones we hunt sometimes? They used to take the meat and cook it, then they would but it between pieces of bread so people could eat it. A burger." She explained patiently.

"Oh. Whats bread?" He followed up. Clementine shook her head, she didn't have enough patience to go down that rabbithole.

"Don't worry about it, Kiddo. It's been a long time since anybody has had any." She smiled, hoping he would let it go.

They stopped along a stretch of road between a strip mall and a hospital about two clicks in to debate the merits of holing up for the night in either one of them.

"We're better moving on to the hospital." Lilly announced, finality in her desire though the debate was only just starting.

"You mean the hospital where people go to die and by extension turn into walkers? That place will be crawling with them surely?" Louis argued.

"It's been years and years. Anyone that died in there will have either found their way out, or been cleared out by now." Lilly replied.

"And if they've been cleared out then the people that did it could still be there now!"

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