A Last Stand - Part Two.

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"Wait!!" Clementine shouted, desperate to stop the twisted act from starting - though she'd barely registered the words leaving her mouth.

She had thought she could take what was in store. And she would have done.

But she couldn't watch somebody else go through it. No matter her level of attatchment or lack thereof. They were human and that was enough.

She could have stayed quiet and tried to detach herself from the abhorrent things she would be forced to witness. But it would never be her nature. Even with a loaded gun to her head, her morality would not fail her.

The men in position behind their prone victims paused as they looked to Alaric for guidance as to whether Clementines call should be accommodated or ignored.

He gave them nothing directly, instead leaning forward and addressing her with playful torment in his reply...

"Wait? Are you not ready for the show?" He scratched his chin for a moment in fake thought, his gaze crawling over Clementine, perverting her clearly on his mind.

"Maybe you're right." Alaric spoke finally. "It is the main event after all. We should built to the climax. Not just shoot our load right away." He got back up from his perch and started his swagger over to stand between both sets of captives.

"Then again, we've had this little moment planned for a while now. It's bigger than all of us in a way. Changing it is going to require a whole lot more engagement on your part to make postponing it worth while."

"What do you want to know." Clementine asked through gritted teeth.

"Well, let's go back to your name. May I have it?"

"My name is Clementine." She responded.

Alaric chuckled at learning this. Piling on the anger in Clementine as if their predicament were not enough cause. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothin',  it's been a long time since I've seen a Clementine is all. I sure hope you taste as good..."

"Fuck you." She replied plainly.

"Oh you will." Alaric shot back, drawing closer. "Look, I just want to know what makes you tick, Clementine. See, I know there's more to find behind that angst. For instance, I know you're a determined little thing. You and the boy you sent over that bridge would have outrun most. Foruntately I'm what you would call, an obsessive personality."

He came to a stop standing almost on top of her, his crotch virtually there for the castrating if Clementine had had a weapon. She didn't chance using her teeth however, knowing it wouldn't get her anything but brutality once Alaric recovered.

The thought however must have also crossed his own mind as he retreat that one step, rocking back on his heels as Clementine still knelt in his shadow. He went on.

"You're smart too. How did you know to send the boys in your group on? Kitch give you that one?" Clementine allowed her lip to curl in response to this.

"Before I skewered his dick and kicked him off the ridge." She said, venomous threat in each word.

"A few here would thank you for that. No mean feat though if I do say so. What Kitch lacked in brains he made up for in breaking bones so that was quite a victory for y'all."

Alaric sneered then as he crouched to Clementines level, looking her directly in the eyes for the fear that would follow his next words "Unfortunately for you we know exactly where they're going thanks to the brochure you left behind."

Salvation. The Walking Dead: Season Five.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora