Risks We Take - Part Four.

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"What? Violet put you up to all of this?" Clementine asked, livid and trying to confirm the absurdity of what exactly Minnie was suggesting. "You're telling me she had you touch my chest and fucking rub my sweat on your lips?"

Minnie failed to supress a smile at remembering this act of deviance before setting the record straight.

"No, no. That was on me - and probably a little out there even for my methods. Though I have to say you don't taste half bad in the persperation department." She said, hands raised now in continued surrender.

"What the hell do you mean then!? Doing this for Violet? You know I could go find out for myself right now." Clementine replied, her voice quaking, and a little afraid of what the next few words out of Minnies mouth could do to her relationship. Minnie sighed deeply.

"I wouldn't do that. Look, Violet doesn't know anything. Okay? And she doesn't need to. You know, its hard to stop caring for people sometimes, even when they've stopped caring about you..." Minnie trailed off, remaining elusive.

"And you think assulting me is showing you care about her still? How does that make any sense!" Clementine shook her head, waiting to be drip fed more.

"Don't be so melodramatic, Clementine. I touched your chest with my finger and gave you the eye a couple times. It's no big deal. The way you looked me up and down yesterday - I had to know." Minnie said, prickling.

"Know what?" Clementine demanded.

"That you could be trusted with her. I still love her you know. She was one of the few things that kept me going at Delta... the thought that being taken had spared her. That I'd make my way back to the school someday. But then I found out something else had kept her going. Someone else."

Minnie stared into Clementines fierce eyes then, as though searching within them for a quantifiable fidelity.

Clementine didn't doubt the honesty now pouring from a heart she had only known to be resistant and combative when it was shown kindness. Returning her gaze she identified completely with the pain behind Minnies eyes for the first time. To return to someone who had changed for the worse in your absence.

"I know that must have been hard for you, Minnie. But that doesn't explain you harassing me." She said, calming a little knowing things had come from a place of non malice. Allowing Minerva more space in the process by sitting on the edge of the sidewalk.

"Like I said, I had to know you could be trusted with her. I was trying to tempt you, Clementine. See if you'd go for a little extra on the side. Turns out you're happy just having your cake." Minnie shrugged. Clementine ran her hands down her face in exhasperation.

"You're warped, Minnie." She said in a less insulting tone than Minerva deserved right now. She sat down beside Clementine, a happy distance away finally.

"No. My hearts just in fucking pieces. And i'm trying to find a way to be okay with it. I needed to see if you were worth my own heartache. Turns out you are." She said, a matureness shining through her fresh faced features. She appeared much more personable when she dropped the facade.

"I mean I knew you could protect her, you've done it for the kid, for the rest of us. And you've got your integrity, I just - wanted to know how far it went. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. If it helps any its a good thing that you were. If you can resist this piece of ass -" she lifted her shirt a little, tantalisingly and wildly lacking in modesty. "- then I figure you must love her enough to not want the risk of losing her."

She let go of her top but it came down to rest above her bellybutton, the paleness of her skin almost blinding Clementine in the light. She breathed a sigh of relief, although her brain hurt still trying to process the method in Minervas madness. She gave up, content somewhat that she wouldn't have to pass tests she was unaware of anymore.

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