Risks We Take - Part Six.

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Clementine lowered her voice as she prompted Violet to seek out the figure, though they were so high up there was little chance of tipping them off.

"See that? By the tree line?"

Violet took to scouring the wooded area at Clementines instruction but her failure to give any acknowledgement at all that she'd seen anything forced Clementine to direct her head to the correct spot herself. This time she reacted affirmatively.

"Yeah, I see it. Walker?" Violet asked tentatively. Clementine shook her head at the suggestion but she couldn't be completely sure.

"I don't think so. It doesn't look like its dragging itself. The legs themselves are moving, they're working. They could be up on their feet if they wanted to be." The figure looked like a pin prick at their height but its presence had Clementine automatically on edge all the same.

"Maybe they're injured? Should we go help?" Violet asked, unusually naive in the process. Clementine pushed herself back up and threw her t-shirt over her head, climbing up toward the hatch.

"Keep your eye on it" She instructed before bobbing her head down into the hole to seek out Lilly.

Clementine found her hunched over the map again, never content in the details. Her head shot upwards at the mention of her name, though she was upside down to Clementine as she spoke.

"I think we've got company." She said quietly so as to not alert the rest of them inside. Minnie and Louis thankfully were on cooking duty and were in the midst of a disagreement on the usage of spices they'd picked up at the roadhouse.

Lilly lept out of the hatch like a jaguar, survival mode switched to eleven. "How many? Where?" She demanded.

"Just the one that we can see-" Clementine started, but Violet interrupted with updated information.

"Uh, Clem, its on the move!" She and Lilly shot down to Violets position, honing in on the figure that now resided bolt upright on both feet. It had been joined by three other bodies but the original one seemed to be trying to put distance between it and the others.

Clementine felt Lilly leave her side with haste, returning mere seconds later with her coveted scoped rifle. Bullets for it were extremely rare these days so she mainly used it for long range surveillance. She had however used one of those scarce commodities to save Clementines life the previous night.

She leant it, one armed onto the top bar of the railing and stuck her eyeball to the scope angled below. Clementine and Violet waited, still looking at the scene without the aid of zoomed in weaponry.

"One lone female. Multiple walkers advancing." She said, her military training at the fore. Stance unmoving except to edge the rifle slightly to keep the woman in her sights.

"Fuck! We should help her!" Violet made a move toward the vertiginous drop to the ground but Clementine grabbed her arm. It was Lilly who spoke though.

"No. She could be bait." She said, calculating.

Violet looked at her, still in Clementines grip. "Yeah! Walker bait if we don't move now! Whats wrong with you?" Her eyes flitted to Clementines who tried to explain away the growing opposition on her face.

"She could be trying to draw us out. It wouldn't be the first time its happened." She said, remembering the attempted Arvo ambush and the ensuing chaos.

"We go down and help the helpess. Next thing you know we're surrounded by meatheads trying to put us down with meat cleavers." Lilly said, matter of factly.

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