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The sudden sound of the radio cracking to life awoke the young deputy from her short-lived daydream.

"All available units, calling all available units respond to a suspected domestic dispute."

Before the dispatcher could finish talking she had already strapped on her utility belt and was making her way out the front door to the squad car where Nedley was waiting. That's when the fear sunk in, they had been called to this address before and she was preparing herself for the worst. They exchanged a hurried nod before speeding out of the station towards his house, their house.

Nicole stood by the Sheriff with her hand subtly resting against the handle of her gun, they exchanged a brief look before knocking on the front door.

"Champ! open up son." Nedley yelled waiting impatiently for the towns dipshit to open the door.

There was an audible thump followed by a shuffling sound heading in the direction of the door before the locks clicked and Champ Hardy's arrogant face appeared behind the slightly open door. 

"Hey Sheriff, What can I do you for?" he said fumbling nervously over his words

"We got another call in of a domestic dispute, from this address. again." Nedley says scanning his reaction. 

"It was nothing! I promise we were just arguing about... ahh stuff" Champ replies smiling awkwardly at the two officers. 

"where is the young lady anyway?" Nedley pushed

"ahh shes out shopping" he replied

"Then what was that thump from upstairs, and didn't you say you were just having an argument," Nicole said staring harshly at the now startled excuse of a man. 

"I'm gonna have to ask you to step aside young man," Nedley says stepping up to the foot of the door.

 Champ momentarily stood his ground before retreating back into the house allowing the duo to enter.  They followed him cautiously down the hall Nicole stopping occasionally to look at the framed photos of her, Waverly Earp, hanging on the wall. Seeing her smile in each and every picture made Nicole's heart melt, and she could only hope that one day it would be her that made the young Earp smile.

After reaching the end of the hall they made their way to the living room where champ took a seat on the couch followed by Nedley, Nicole stayed standing. 

"So what were you 'arguing' about?" Nicole said sternly determined to know if she was ok.

"I told you it was nothing" he replied his glare turning to Nicole "Why would you care anyway, your just some stupid ginger butch cop who's been after my girlfriend since you got here!" Nicole felt the anger rise from within her chest 

"Now then you had better watch your mouth son," Nedley grumbled at him.

There was a sudden build-up of tension and before Nedley could react Champ jumped up and over the couch and made a direct B-line for the door. Nicole's instincts immediately kicked into action as she sprinted and leapt at the fleeing man and landed on top of him, 

"Ahh Get off of me deputy dipshit!" he yelled as she forced her knee into the middle of his back pinning him to the ground before reaching over to her belt and cuffing his wrists tightly behind his back.

"Jesus Christ Hardy," Nedley mumbled reaching down and helping both Nicole and a very pissed Champ to their feet. "I'll take care of him," he said nodding towards Champ "

Just as the slight drama had unfolded as if perfectly on cue the front door flew open and in stormed a very determined and angry deputy marshal.

"Champ! I swear to god where the hell are you you sorry excuse of a man!" She screamed before realising the scene in front of her, she marched towards the now handcuffed Champ with her hands in fists "What the hell did you do to my baby sister" she spat.

"Nothing your dysfunctional family hasn't done before" He snarled back

With that Wynonna's fist made brutal contact with Champs nose, he fell to his knees growling in pain "you stupid bitch, you broke my nose!" he screamed, Wynonna's fist rose to throw another punch put before it could make contact Nicole caught her wrist and pulled her aside.

"that's enough Earp," She said trying to calm her down

"Where is she Haught, Where is my sister," She said cradling her arm which was already starting to swell.

"Ok now, you two clear the rest of the house," Nedley said motioning towards the stairs before leaving and escorting Champ to the back of the squad car.

"I'll check the den and her studio, you check upstairs," Wynonna said already making her way down the hallway.

Nicole nodded and started making her way up the stairs. Her hand had instinctively returned to her sidearm as she proceeded with caution. She stopped outside the door of what she assumed was the master bedroom.

"Mrs Earp... It's me, Nicole, Nicole Haught." Nicole yelled waiting for a reaction but none came. She opened the door carefully before continuing into the room and looking around, however she was surprised to find it empty, maybe Champ wasn't lying, maybe she had gone shopping after all. Nicole shrugged and started to make her way out of the room but just as she began descaling the stairs she froze at the soft cry coming from the bathroom next door. 

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