How Fucking Ironic

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Trigger Warning: Violence

Nicole heard Bobo's voice radiate throughout the house but his exact words were unidentifiable as they were muffled through the closed door of the closet she was trapped in, 'How fucking ironic'.

She had been there for at least a couple of hours and Nicole had become restless as the muscles in her body had begun to cramp and the ache of her beaten chest and back was coming in more frequent waves then she could handle. Nonetheless, she refused to give up, in that moment resided to a plan, to hail any form of fight she had left to break free and make a run for it. Although she knew she wouldn't get far she had to try, because she had something worth fighting for, Waverly.

When Nicole heard the boots inching there way closer to her mini-hell, she flinched as the door slammed open and being robbed of her sight could not tell who it was that had come to collect her. It didn't matter anyway as they hooked their arms through hers and forced her to her feet. Nicole strategically allowed them to guide her a few mere steps before twisting her body out of their grip and running in the opposite direction. She made it a few steps before her ankle caught an obstructing piece of furniture and she went flying into the ground, the impact knocked the wind out of her chest and she was once again left gasping for air.

"Where do you think your going copper" Came a voice that Nicole recognised of the man she had shot. He grabbed her injured shoulder pulling her up to her knees, his thumb applying a painful amount of pressure on the wound as Nicole cowered before him, whimpering helplessly at the situation.

"Grab her, and don't fuck it up this time you spineless twats," the voice said again.

Nicole refused to surrender as the two men attained their grip on her again as she found herself being forced down a flight of stairs. She didn't remember ever going up any stairs so she assumed there must be some sort of basement, the thought of this didn't sit well for obvious reasons and she fought even more against the men and the rising fear that had divulged its way into the pit of her stomach. She heard the clunk of a bolt as before being forced through another door and into the basement.

In defiance of her captures, Nicole continued to struggle, if she was gonna die she sure as hell wasn't going to make it easy on them. The revenants followed by Bobo directed her to the middle of the room and once again Nicole felt their leaders breath spike against her neck as he moved in closer.

"I guess the popo's finally arrived," He snarled earning a chuckle from his two counterparts. Nicole continued to fight, it's all she could do, she didn't want to die. 'I don't want to die'. Her thoughts sent her into a downward spiral until she heard a quiet whimper that broke her heart and reverberated in the pit of her stomach.


Nicole's head jolted in recognition trying to find the source, her movements became more frantic as she tried desperately to break free and save the woman she loved, Yes loved.

"Waverly" she screamed although it was muffled by the gag.

"That's right lovebirds" Bobo snarled before delivering a forceful punch into Nicole's stomach causing Nicole to double over in pain and Waverly to jump in her seat, seeing this opportunity of weakness the two revenants by her side forced her down to her knees whilst she was once again left gasping for air.

Before long Bobo descended upon her and with calloused hands gripped a handful of Nicole's hair.

"Don't fucking touch her," Waverly said pulling against her restraints.

"Hey asshole." Wynonna said her body still limp against her bindings "I'm the heir, I'm the one you want. You know for a fact that Waverly isn't an Earp so she isn't an heir, so just kill me and get it fucking over with and let them go."

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