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I can only remember down to preschool.

Preschool-2010 (Or 2009 I don't remember)

I think I was a bunny rabbit. But the mask kept falling offfffffffff.


At that time, I didn't really know how trick or treating worked. So when kids came my door, I just opened, then closed the door. Also, I didn't participate in halloween this year.

First grade-2012

Uhhhhhh I think it was the same as kindergarten.

Second grade-2013

I just ate the candy I got from school, that's all :3

Third grade-2014

THE FIRST TIME I WENT TRICK OR TREATING! It was kinda fun. Tho, my cousins kept on neglecting me. They thought just cuz I was younger than them, I don't have the right to hang out with them.

Fourth grade-2015

I don't remember :(

Fifth grade-2016

I went trick or treating again.....but I had to take my nephew UGH

Sixth grade-2017

I did nothing. But........I got into an internet fight with a 9 year old girl about TTG and PPG 2016.

Best. Halloween. Ever

I already know I ain't doin' nothing this halloween. I probably watch IT or something.


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