I miss old wattpad

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By "old" Wattpad, I mean the Wattpad when I first joined.

I just miss the vibe to it, ya know?

I made so many friends on here (which were mostly precure fans)

I remember when we would just wait for new kkpalm episodes to come out and make theories, I miss that. Hell, I even miss the arguments/ship wars, those were fun 💀

Now everyone has either become inactive or has just moved on to other fandoms.

And tbh, I'm not really that into precure anymore either. Not cuz I don't like it, but I'm just not as passionate into it anymore. It's gotten low-key boring tbh

I don't think it's cuz I've gotten older cuz there's lots of adults who watch precure.

Plus, we've all gotten older as well. Like I'm gonna turn 15 in like 3 months, oh shit-

That's all I wanted to say. I still use this app, but just more for reading and not writing.


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