uNtiTLeD MaGicAL GiRL sToRy

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Sooooo y'all remember that magical girl story with all my OCs I was going to continue writing? As you've noticed......I haven't wrote it yet.

It doesn't even have a name anymore. I ditched the name I had for it, cause it sounded cheesy *shivers* I was 11 when I thought of it, forgive me.

Anyway, I just wanted to address that I STILL want to continue writing it. I'm just worried that my writing is still trash.

I've been looking at writing tips on YouTube, and they are somewhat helpful.

So yeah.

Now let me talk about the story it self.


I think the first draft of the story I published in......2018? I think. It's been 2 years, wow.

I think you guys saw all of episode 1, and like half of episode 2.

Those episodes introduced the two of the main 5 characters Savannah and Emma.

I ended up deleting it cuz I read it to myself and thought it was way too rushed and some parts really didn't make sense (oops sorry)

And I didn't even get introduce the rest of the main characters (but y'all already know who they are sooooo)

And you guys didn't even get to meet some of the characters. Or see the arcs I had planned out for this story.

Lemme tell ya, there were some pretty interesting storylines.

Another reason why I haven't wrote it yet is cuz I ended up having some name changes (I KNOW ITS ANNOYING I JUST CAN'T GET PLEASED WITH THE CHARACTERS NAMES)

Savannah's name is still the same (she goes by the nickname "Sav" most of the time.)

Emma is still Emma

Tiffany is still Tiffany

Ryan ended up getting shortened to "Rai" (She's Japanese so I wanted to give her a Japanese name)

Brooklyn is no longer Brooklynn (I just don't like how basic it sounds, no offense to all the Brooklyns out there. Considering this character is from another world apart from earth, I want to give her a name that sounds medieval like and uncommon)

I'm still researching names, I'll find a name I like eventually.

One last thing I wanna add is that the plot of this story changed a bit. It's still the whole "magical girls save the world" type of thing, but a little different.

I'm not doing the whole "monster of the day" thing cuz it's so generic. Its in Sailor Moon, Precure, Tokyo mew mew, PPGZ, it's everywhere in the magical girl universe.

Monster gets created

Girls transform

Girls fight monster

Girls kill monster and blah blah blah

And the same thing goes for the rest of the series.

I mean, if y'all already know if the girls are gonna defeat the monster in the end, what's the point?

So I'm not including that in my story. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to format the magical girl fighting.

Anyway, I might post a whole summary of what happens in this story, sometime later.

Hope you guys are looking forward to me writing this.


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