Thoughts on my Teachers

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Spanish: She's pretty nice. Except, it gets annoying when she's rushing me to finish my work. And says spanish words that I can't even fucking understand.

Health: This is the most boring teacher ever. I mean, he doesn't do anything but.....teach.

Orchestra: Okay, this is my favorite teacher. He's funny and nice, and he doesn't get sassy when I play a note wrong, like my other orchestra teachers did....

World Cultures: Everytime I walk into the classroom, he's always eating mcdonalds or something. I even so him eat peanut butter with his finger. So yeah....I think he has health issues. Anyway, he's not a bad teacher, I think it's funny when he's roasting the boys.

ELA: Another boring teacher. But I also hate it when she puts sassy annotations in my essays. I work hard on those......

Art: I don't really like this teacher tbh. She gave me a B. HOW DAFAUQ DO U GET A B IN ART?

Gym: This teacher is the worst. He low-key made fun of me for doing one push up. Way to be supportive of your students.

Pre-Algebra: Ummm Idk he's cool I guess. He doesn't have a high temper like my 5th grade math teacher or a naggy attitude like my 6th grade math teacher.

Science: He was nice at first, but this teacher is low-key creepy. He gets way closer to me than needed to. Also, during Art yesterday, this boy who sits next to me told me that this teacher touched him.....I also heard that last year got suspended for looking down girl's shirts. So in conclusion, this teacher is a gay pedophile.

Wow my teachers this year.....


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