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So today during lunch, I found out that the entire 7th grade has the most Ds and Es in the whole school (Meaning that we have the worst grades)

Everyone in the cafeteria (including me) was just so happy about it, we even started clapping.

The vice principal was so heated

He was like "You think this is something to be proud of?"

We all replied "YES"

And even during science class, this one boy said:

"Way to go, 7th grade! We got the worst grades in the building!"

Then we all just started clapping and laughing again.

Dat was fun

That sounds like something that would happen to my old school tbh.

Anyway, I'm kinda worried now, cuz IM one of those people who gots Ds. The vice principal said he was gonna hunt those people down and have a talk with them......


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