9th grade orientation

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It was today.....on Google meets.

Almost nobody would turn their cameras on, so it was awkward for the teachers.

I kinda felt bad for not turning my camera on, but I'm ✨insecure✨

Anyways, I was kinda unsatisfied with the people in my classes this year.

I have trigonometry with this one girl I hated in 8th grade (it's kind of a long story, I might tell it in another chapter) so that sucks.

And that business class I signed up for, now I'm kind of intimidated by it cuz of how my teacher described how hard it's gonna be to get an A. I NEED A's this year. I fucked around way too much in middle school.

On a positive note, I'm kinda excited for Spanish. The teacher is very outgoing and friendly. Plus, my old crush is that class (The crush I had back in 6th grade at my first middle school, I talked about him a lot in my old books hehe)

Anyway that's all


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