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Miane is known well in these parts. But not for good reasons. Miane (or Mia, as she prefers it) is a smuggler. She does many things that go against the law, like creating fake IDs (ect.), stealing food, doing dodgey deals, and 'getting rid' of people for money. Of course, she never done the job until she got paid. Today, Mia was being paid to get rid of the emperor of the departed realm, which was never gonna be an easy job lets be honest, but she was being paid. And what's more important than money?

Mia plugged in her earbuds and played her favourite song. (A/N play song above while reading).

She pulled out a sniper and put a single bullet in. She put that on her back while walking. "Hey!" A guard shouted, the two of the guards ran at her. She pulled out 2 pistols and shot them both in the head without aiming. Mia strolled through the entrance and grabbed a grenade out her bag and threw it into the security office, and it blew up. She then walked to the lift. It was made of glass (and it was the departed realm soo...) and she could see the remaining guards running up the stairs after her. (A/N sorry but I love Suicide Squad) Mia grabbed her signature blade boomerang out of her bag and tossed it at a single guard, but it ended up taking out all of them. Mia slid out of the lift and went onto the balcony, just above where the emperor was giving his speech. "Timing has to be perfect." She whispered. The emperor walked onto his podium and pulled out several cards.

"Hello, fellow ghosts of the departed realm! It is I, Emperor Augustus! And I am here to tell you my list of... lets see... ah ha! My list of the 3000 new laws!" Mia nearly swore in annoyance. 3000! Man! Can't he just do 3?

"Number one: If you see me trying to be killed, help me. Number two: Avoid the assassion Miane Line at all times." Mia chuckled hearing that one. "Number 3: do not do any deals with Miane Line. Number 4: Do not accept any fake IDs from Miane Line." Mia frowned. How am I supposed to do my work then? I need to make money as well ya know.
5 hours later...

"And finally: number 3000: Follow all the laws. And I shall know stamp the contract to show that these are official. Officer, the letter." Mia grinned. She pulled out her sniper and set it to super zoom. "Target, aquired." She aimed for his head, and pulled the trigger. Mia then noticed that the bullet was red instead of silver, and that it had a small feather on the back. Damn it! That was the tranquilizer one! Okay, time for plan B. Mia jumped to her feet and ran out the building. One the way, she threw a 'frisbee' and it stuck to the wall. Mia ran out the doors and pressed a red button on a remote. The whole building exploded, and out of the explosion, a silver thing came flying out. She caught it in her bare hands. Sweet. "Huh. I'mma need a new boomerang." She took in the details of her favourite weapon, while leaning against a tree.
She took out her earbuds.

"How's a wooden one for your case?" Mia jumped in shock. Standing on a branch, was her life (or death) long enemy.
"Miane." To add to her shock, she heard loud laughter come from behind her. There, was loads of ghosts, and six people. "Miane?" Said the white wearing person, wiping away his tears of laughter. "Seriously? That's her name?"  Samukai cleared his throught and the laughter stopped. "Prehaps I can call you nicknmaes again." Samukai suggested.

But before we continue the story, prehaps you would like a little more detail on Mia. Mia, like samukai, is a skeleton general (meaning she has a general head piece). Don't worry she has hair (it's dark brown). And to manys shock, she and Samukai used to be in a relationship (I call it Samiane!). (A/N Prehaps I will do a back story.) But now, back to the story.

"No." Mia said. Samukai pretend pouted.
"Oh, Miane. How I missed our fire. We burned brightly." He said, jumping down from the tree and taking her hands in his top ones.
"Samukai... you left me so you could work for Garmadon. Do you have any idea how that felt to me?" Mia sighed.
"I left for us. I tried to make our future brighter. It was the only way to stop him hurting us. And if you don't help us, they are going to destroy the departed realm." The male general said. Unexpectadly, he pulled her into a hug and whispered into her ear. "What if I said I had 10000 dollars in the bank?"
Mia grinned. "Deal. I'll help out." The seperated the hug. "Com'on. Lets go!" Mia said waving her hand forward and walking ahead. "Oh, and also, don't call me Miane," she started. Samukai grinned, remebering their first converstion.
"Call me Mia."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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