Who you are

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Maybe You can't change who you are

I know that there are times throughout your life when you're trying to find who you are

Trying to find yourself

But what I've realized is you can't change the person you are, if you can't accept the current you

It's like getting in a car and wanting to take off
And slamming on the accelerator without taking the time to find the keys or checking to see if there's even any gas, or maybe even a flat.

You're so in a hurry to not be you
Become a new you, a better you, that you forget to take care of the person you are right now

You forget to accept that you are still you, despite the visions you have for a future you

So take a moment and see the real you. The you you are today, may not be the one you want to be or the person you were. But you still deserve your own love.

Love the person you are right now and then you can start to grow and become a new you...

(I found the quote in the header image right after I wrote this... 💛✨)

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