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Shedding is a process letting go of something that no longer serves you. For example dogs shed their fur in the summer just as snakes she's their skins once they've out grown them.

I feel like I'm shedding, like my heart has swollen up and the pericardium around it no long fits.

Amongst shedding you loose the superficial appearance of the scars of wounds that have been hurtfuly etched into your heart.

This is a new feeling, one that I don't recall experiencing. It isn't the feeling of being overwhelmed nor underwhelmed, it isn't a weighed down sunken heart

It's the feeling of finally feeling your heart, after so long.

After all the work you've done to uncover it, to dig it up, from the dirt that society threw on top of it, and the words that buried who you are.

It's the feeling of not only your heart resurfacing, but you feeling it, actually feeling it and it being connected to you and only you. Not the thoughts and words of others, who drew you to be someone else.

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