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I could tell you that I miss you
I could cry louder than a thousand new borns
I could sit next to the raised ground around your grave stone and wish the the rock stayed where it came from
Wish the dirt didn't have to be dug up
Wish that you stayed where you came from
Wish the universe wasn't so big
So maybe one day I could find you in the midst
of it all

Hope you kept the necklace I gave to you
It's was a stars design
It'll tell you where us Virgos align

you listened when I caved to you
It was a sign
I counted on you to confine
Now I'm hurting
And all I have to heal the pain is time.

So I could scream at you for leaving
I could ask the galaxy 'why'
I could wonder how you get to leave us all behind

I could run blades up my wrists to get closer to you
I could get a tattoo
and frame all the pictures of us two

I could stop wearing your perfume
Then I could redecorate your room
I could close the open wound
And forgive the stars for deserving you.



Update: I'm on antidepressants!!! (terrified they will kill my creativity but without then I'd probably end up killing myself and that includes my creativity unfortunately soooo...)

Have a fantastic day!

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