Tell me you love me but can survive without me aswell!

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Hold me, i want to know you're here without words

I know I'm a puzzle but if you look outside the box, I have instructions

I've been screaming them to the deaf for so long that my skin has turned to brail

Run your fingers against it

Listen to the texture of my body

It'll admit to you that I'm secretly scared to die young

Hold me like I'm heavier than I actually am, take the weight of the world off my frail shoulders

And cradle my body in your arms as if you know a fraction of how much it's been hated

Furrow your brows because you don't understand how I could despise something so sacred

Whisper in my ear like your conscious of the screaming voices in my head

And Until I find my own, record all the reasons why you stay alive and blast it on repeat

Because I just want to feel safe. I just want to know my angels as well as I know my demons.

Fight my battles for me, I'm losing to the lighters and razor blades of the opponents

All you have to do is stay

All I have to do is stay

Please Keep Breathing (Journal of Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now