How it all began

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A boy was walking home in the dark. For a second year, in high school, it was unheard of. But, his father trusted him. He was a quiet boy, spectacular grades but stricken with anxiety, yet kind through it all. He heard a yell, and saw a drunk man harassing a woman.

Woman: Please no!

Man: C'mon, I'll pay ya triple!

The boy was angered, and walked swiftly to the man, placing his hand on his shoulder. The man, very drunk, turned and walked right into a street lamp.

Man: Ow! Damn sue, I'll brat! Wait, no, that's not right. Sue brat, I'll damn!

Woman: Don't you mean, "damn brat, I'll sue"?

Man: Oh yeah, that.

The boy looks at the woman with a look screaming 'why?'.


A rough faced man paced back and forth in front of the boy, obviously his father.

Father: So, you didn't do anything to the man, you saved the woman, yet you got blamed anyway?

The boy nods.

Father: Son, speaking from experience, the best thing to do is serve your probation.

He embraces his son.

Father: I still am proud of you for sticking up for that lady. I have a friend in Shibuya who can look after you, and I'll enroll you in Alrest Academy.

The boy smiles, knowing he made his hero proud.


The boy stood in front of a cafe, a sign on the window saying 'Leblanc'. He walked in, the bell above the door jingling as the door opened.

Middle-age man: Oh. You must be Hiero's kid. I'm Sojiro Sakura. Sorry about the whole framing thing. Your room is up the stairs.

The boy bowed, which earned a grin from Sojiro, and went up the stairs. The room was like an attic, full of objects covered in sheets, under which a bench, couch, table and bed, free of dust, existed.

The boy moved everything to more comfortable spots, and found a journal with a note from the police-

" This is your probation journal. Record activities truthfully- they will be cross-referenced."

The boy sighed, since he obviously had no freedom.

Sojiro: Hey, kid! C'mon down here!

The boy quietly descended down the stairs, noting the great soundproofing of all the hustle and bustle of the below cafe.

Sojiro: I want to teach you how to make coffee, and maybe let you earn some extra spending money.

The two spent the next 4 hours- almost to 2 pm- learning and teaching, until the boy had been deemed worthy. Just then, the duo heard the bell ring, and turned to see 2 girls, about the boy's age, walking in.

Sojiro: Well, if it isn't my red-headed regular! Who have you brought here today?

Red: This is my sister, Mythra. Who is that, poking out from behind you?

Sojiro: Huh? Oh, this is my new worker, who apparently, is a bit shy. Kid, this is Pyra, one of my best customers.

The boy stepped out of Sojiro's shadow and waved.

The girls sat in a booth.

Pyra: I'll have my regular- Jenerossi.

Mythra: I'll just have some strawberry cake.

The New Boy in The Corner ( Xenoblade 2 x Male Reader Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now