How the robot was made

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An obviously sleep deprived bespectacled orange headed girl slaved away at a computer  in a dim room. Her name was Futaba Sakura, niece of Sojiro. She had set up a bug in her uncle's restaurant, and decided to do the new boy a favor. So, she hacked into Akhos' phone, erasing the message he had planned on sending, as well as the father's record off of the face of the earth.

Futaba: I hope this is the right choice. You'd better make this up to me, Y/N.


A tiger-striped Nopon worked away, tinkering, welding, coding on a nearby laptop, while an older Nopon worked right along side him.

Young: Yes! Tora and Dadapon did it!

The younger Nopon flipped a switch

The eyes of a robotic girl flickered to life.

Tora: Poppi, welcome to the world!


Y/N was lying awake, confident that he could face tomorrow.

The next day...

Y/N sat down in the corner, waiting for the abuse...

And waiting...

 And waiting...  

 And waiting...  

Y/N sweatdrops.

They hadn't leaked his father's record!

The boy collapsed onto his desk in relief.

The teacher, Adam, saw this, and decided to test his student.

Adam: Well, Mr. Y/N, can you tell us the name of the ratio used in ancient Japanese architecture?

Y/N tilts his head up.

Y/N: The silver ratio. Similar to the golden ratio, but closer resembling a perfect square.

Adam: That is correct.

Adam looks surprised that the boy had maintained focus.

Timeskip to the end of the day...

A girl with long black hair walked up to Y/N.

???: OK punk, what did you do?

Y/N recoils.

Y/N: W-what do you mean?

???: You know what I'm talking about! You hacked the information that we were going to leak!

Adam: That's quite enough, Miss Patroka!

Patroka walks off, annoyed.

Y/N: Excuse me, Mr. Adam, did the school hack Akhos' phone?

Adam chuckles.

Adam: I'm afraid it wasn't the school, but we have made it a policy to prevent anyone from bullying you.

Y/N smiles and thanks Adam, and then walks off to find Rex talking with a tiger striped Nopon.

Rex: Oh, Y/N! I'd like you to meet Tora. He's been out for a bit, working on a project. Tora, this is our new student.

Tora extends one of his wings to Y/N, who shakes it.

Tora: Tora is glad to meet Y/N. Tora must introduce Poppi to Y/N as soonas Tora can!

Suddenly, an artificial-looking girl with purple hair walks up to Y/N.

Poppi: Greetings Y/N. Poppi is robot made by masterpon.

Y/N is recoiling.

Behind him, Morag and Brighid chuckle.

The New Boy in The Corner ( Xenoblade 2 x Male Reader Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now