How the day off was spent

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Y/N woke up with Morgana pawing his face.

It was Sunday, meaning he had the day off.

From school, that is. He still managed the cafe until noon.

And so, the boy got up, tied his apron, set the cafe up, and flipped the sign.

Almost immediately, a blonde girl walked in, looking as if she was disgusted with the boy's presence.

???: You! Cowering peon! We demand coffee, brewed to perfection.

Y/N, obviously jumpy, hopped to the task, having the hot drink on a saucer out to the girl. She sipped it, and her condescending glare lessened slightly.

???: This is . . . very acceptable. We may consider having you cater our banquets.

She payed and left.

Almost immediately after she exited, another girl, wearing a mask on the back of her head, walked in.

???: Hello! I'd like some Honeytea if you have it!

The masked girl got and drank her tea, and took out her coin purse to pay for it, but the coins went flying out, scattering on the floor, both behind and in front of the counter.

???: Oh! I'm terribly sorry! Please, let me help.

The incident is sorted out, and with an apologetic bow, the girl leaves.

The cafe had grown in popularity, with multiple odd customers coming in, with promises to return. By the time Y/N had handed the cafe over to Sojiro at noon, Leblanc was bustling with people wanting a beverage.

Meanwhile, Y/N prepped his bag. Morgana had grown very attached to his new owner, and had insisted on following him. Y/N agreed to stop him from making a ruckus.

And so, cat in the bag, the boy set out to waste time. He decided to go to the shopping district to find food for his plant, (Plant/Name). On his way, he ran into Pyra, in the booth next to the plant stand, testing fragrances.

After making his purchases, he walks up behind the red haired girl, and tapped her shoulder.

Or at least, he tried to. Gynophobia and all.

Eventually, Morgana took notice of this, and tapped Pyra's shoulder and darting back into his bag.

Pyra turns, and noticed the boy.

Pyra: Oh, hello Y/N! What brings you to the marketplace?

The boy points to the adjacent plant food stand.

Pyra: Huh. Never really took you for someone with a green thumb. Wanna grab some lunch? There's a good ramen place nearby.

The boy nods, and the two set off. The pair get miso ramen, extra vegetables for Pyra, and sit side by side, slurping noodles and drinking broth.

Random woman: Oh, what a sweet young couple!

Y/N blushes furiously, as if he just curry that was so hot it burned through the pot.

Pyra blushes slightly.

Pyra: S-she isn't talking about us, is she?

Y/N turns around, seeing no other pair that fit the description, turns back and nods.

Needless to say, the two finish in silence, pay the check, and say their goodbyes.

Y/N, spacing out and contemplating the events of the day, meanders down to the docks. He also almost walks off into the ocean, but was fortunately stopped by a fisherman grabbing the back of his jacket.

???: Whoa there, young one. Be careful!

Just then, a familiar voice spoke.

Rex: Oh! Gramps! This is the boy I've been telling you about!

'Gramps': Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I am Azurda, one of Rex's guardians.

The two shake hands, and learn more about each other. Azurda was a fisherman, one of the most profitable out there, and Rex aspired to be like him.

Y/N began to head back, since it was close to 5, and cut through a richer part of Shibuya. He weaved through the crowd, but got swept up in a stampede toward an apartment that looked very high end. The reason why was almost immediately apparent, with a man and woman walking with two kids, one of which was Morag.

Random interviewer: Mr. Ladair! What are your plans for your campaign?

Ladair: Please, I'm not here to talk, I'm going with my family to dinner!

Behind the family, Brighid, along with an older woman who looked exactly like her. No doubt the Ladair family's bodyguards. At least they weren't using excessive force, thought the boy.

Morag did notice the boy, and waved to him. After jumping a bit, he waved back. Both went on their way.

Morgana poked his head out of the bag just when the two returned. The boy had stopped at a convenience store to pick up some sushi. As the boy set it out, Morgana made a begging gesture. This poked at the boy's heart, and so he set some of his fish aside, to the joy of his cat.

Later, the boy flipped the sign to closed, bid Sojiro goodnight, and performed a mixture of reading, training and watching movies until he went to bed.

Laying on his back, contemplating the day, he wondered how an unjust judicial decision had led to him making friends.

He wasn't complaining, though.

The New Boy in The Corner ( Xenoblade 2 x Male Reader Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now