How the recovery was made

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Brighid thought fast. Taking the angle of the blood into account, she quickly located the sniper. She merely snapped a picture, since the obvious priority was getting Mòrag and the boy, who was probably in a critical condition, to safety.

She hefted the boy over her shoulder, leading her charge by the hand.

In her spare hand, she looked for nearby infirmaries on her phone. As luck would have it, there was an office near Leblanc that had no wait.

She stormed into the office, startling the doctor.

Brighid: He needs treatment. We'll pay any expense to have it done.

Doctor: Take him to the back room.

Brighid: Mòrag, go to Leblanc. Aegaeon has Niall guarded. I'll give him a report.

Mòrag: No. I'm going to stay with him.

Brighid: Lady Mòrag. Go.

The girl responded by taking a seat in the waiting room.

Brighid sighed.

Brighid: Fine. I'll be standing guard.

The girl reached into her bag and pulled out a small handgun, keeping watch over all entrances and exits.

~In the back room~

Tae Takemi worked on her patient with trained precision. Medicine making was her chosen field, yes, but her first aid skills weren't too shabby.

She undid the boy's shirt, tossing it aside. It was completely ruined.

She gathered up supplies, assessing the wound.

No vital damage. How that was even possible, the doctor didn't know.

Nonetheless, she worked on treating it to the best of her ability.

The seconds ticked by like minutes. Every fiber of the doctor's being was focused on saving this boy.

She placed some self-made medicine in his mouth.

Disinfectant was applied.

Her hands were bloody.

After what seemed like an eternity of treatment, she stepped back.

He was safe.

He just needed to rest.

She sighed to herself.

She washed her hands and walked out to the waiting room.

~At Leblanc~

The group was sitting around in Leblanc.

Niall: I wonder what's taking them.

Nia: Maybe they got hung up someplace.

Straight after Nia said this, the three students walked in, the bell chiming.

Y/N was shirtless and wrapped in bandages, held up by Mòrag and Brighid.

Rex: What happened?!

Brighid: Shot. Treated.

They laid Y/N down in a booth. He began to stir. Morgana hopped onto the table, trying to wake his owner up.

Sojiro: Whoa. Is he alright?

Brighid: Should be.

Sojiro: I'll make him some coffee. Something to wake him up . . . hmmm . . .

As he browsed his bean selection, the rest of the group gathered around the boy, Mòrag looking dejected.

The boy's eyes slowly opened. He tried to get up, but winced and went back down.

Mythra: Hold on.

She swept the boy up in her arms, into her chest. He tried to squirm away, but failed.

Mythra: Yup. He's fine.

She laid him back down.

Rex: Sure is convenient that we have tomorrow off.

Dromarch: He may be able to walk with a day's recovery. It will still be a while for the wound to heal completely.

Morgana ran upstairs, dragging a shirt back down.

Nia: Looks like Mona's a smart little kitty.

Zeke and Rex helped their wounded friend sit up and put the shirt on.

Sojiro set a mug in front of the boy.

After a while, the bandaged boy was helped up to bed.

The group dispersed, heading back to their own homes.

Mòrag, Brighid and Niall walked back to their penthouse, under the watchful eye of Aegaeon, who kept them safe from the rooftops.

Mòrag was silent as they rode the elevator up.

Niall tried to comfort his older sister.

There was utter silence.

Their parents were waiting for them and embraced them on sight.

Brigid left with her mother and Aegaeon to analyze the photo she'd taken of the shooter.

Mòrag and Niall, after a round of calming their understandably worried parents down, went off to bed.

While Mòrag looked out of her window, her mind began to wander.

Is it my fault?

Am I putting him . . . no, all of them in danger?

She tried to shake the thoughts out of her head as she preformed her nightly routine, which included bathing, brushing her hair, and studying.

The girl slipped into her bed and went to sleep.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, and a good ways away from the Ladair penthouse, Rex and Mythra, both in their respective houses, were preparing their athletic equipment for the sports that would soon be starting, giddy as could be.

The New Boy in The Corner ( Xenoblade 2 x Male Reader Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now