How the boy proved his worth

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Y/N shot up in his bed. He packed up his bag and began his walk to school. For some unknown reason, he made an intentional cut through the rich part of town, looking up at the apartment building where Morag lived.

He, for some reason, felt his heart pounding. He dismissed it without a thought and continued on his way.

He made his way to class, without much trouble. The occasional gynophobic panic, but that was to be expected.

He made it to Alrest, with a purposeful dodging of Torna's turf.

Little did he know, a blue Nopon had seen him after he left from Morag's apartment, and tried to tail him.

But anyway, back to the group.

Rex stared down at his quiz.

'Come on,' he thought 'I remember this! Hmm. Yeah! I've got it!'.

He hastily scribbled down an answer, just as Adam called time.

Lunch started and Rex collapsed onto his desk with a sigh.

Pyra: Are you alright, Rex?

Rex: Yeah . . . totally blanked on that last question. Got it last second, though.

Mythra: Well, that's better than you usually do.

Nia: Probably better than shellhead, that's for sure.

Zeke: Hey! I heard you nibbling your pencil, furry ears!

Brighid: Didn't all of you study?

Rex: Well, I think that being in Leblanc has given me a chance to talk with all of you.

Pyra: Well, we kind of talked before we all started going to Leblanc, but not as much as we do now.

Morag: And our chatting may have taught Rex a bit.

Brighid: That seems possible. What do you think, Y/N?

The boy snapped out of his daze. He had been idly staring into space, having completed his quiz early.

Y/N: Um, yeah. Seems possible to me. People pick up information subconsciously all the time.

The group passed through the rest of the day without much issue and were about to head to Leblanc, when Morag approached Y/N.

Morag: Pardon me Y/N, but would you mind assisting me with some paperwork?

The boy shakes his head no.

The pair, plus Brighid, stay an extra half hour.

They filled out forms.

Y/N: Hey Morag, when is this trip that we're planning for?

Morag: Well, I was thinking about September, but we can easily rearrange it. We need to get everyone's documents in order.

Y/N: Out of country, then?

Morag: Yes, but I'd still like to keep it secret.

Y/N smiles, and a younger boy poked his head in through the doorway.

Morag: Oh. Hello Niall. This is Y/N. He's helping us with the forms for the trip. We're just about done with today's work.

Niall: You wouldn't mind if I go with you to Leblanc, would you?

Morag: Not at all.

The paperwork is filed away and locked.

Niall: I don't believe we've met. I'm Niall. Mòrag's younger brother.

The two shake hands.

The four students soon head out, heading for Leblanc.

The blue nopon who had trailed Y/N still waited in the shadows, waiting for his chance to strike.

Blue nopon: Meh meh meh meh. Bana must wait for right chance, and make reward worth work.

The four students walk into the cafe, full of their chatting friends.

Y/N: So, what can I get you, Niall?

Niall: I'll have some iced tea.

The boy puts on his apron and sets to work.

Drinks, cake (for Mythra) and curry, made by Sojiro were soon set out in front of the students.

After serving the drinks, Y/N starts his homework, getting it done rather quickly.

Mòrag idly stirs her drink.

Morgana hops out of his owner's bag and hopped up onto the counter, gaining the attention of Nia.

The cafe is peaceful and serene.

After a while, everyone's homework is done, and friendly chatter resumes.

After a while, the group disbanded, one by one.

Mòrag left a note on a napkin.

"Y/N. My contact information is below. I'll text you to schedule meetings. -Mòrag".

Sojiro: So, you got a girl's number? Guess I've taught you more than I thought.

The boy erupted in a blush. Sojiro chuckled.

The boy goes out of Leblanc to the nearby bathhouse. It was Thursday, so the bath was medicinal. Morgana gave a gesture that was as close to a thumbs up as a cat could.

~The Next Day~

The boy stretched. School had just ended. He went to the same room that he had yesterday. He and Mòrag worked, along with Brighid, on the trip plans. The location had been left up to Mòrag, while the budgeting and expense management had been left to Brighid and the boy.

About an hour later, Mòrag decided to end the session. Niall had gone with the rest of the group earlier.

The trio made their way back to Leblanc. This was when the blue nopon decided to strike.

A dot appeared on Mòrag's chest. Luckily, the boy walked a tad faster just before the bullet was fired.

It shot straight through his own chest, narrowly missing a vital organ.

The boy collapsed.

And blacked out.

The New Boy in The Corner ( Xenoblade 2 x Male Reader Modern AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz