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"I never did catch your name." The brunet states an hour later, leaning his chin on his fist and tilting his head. His curious gaze lingers on the boy's sparkling hazel eyes as a shy smile creeps up his lips.

"Josh." He replies softly, causing the older to grin.

"Josh. Josh, Josh." The man repeats quietly before eventually nodding with a hum.

Cheeks awash with vibrant scarlet hues, josh giggles into his glass of water. "Why'd ya keep repeating my name?"

"Simply trying to get used to speaking of a beauty as well as looking at him. You'd be surprised by how humbling it is."

The warmth coating josh's cheeks suddenly explodes into the most blistering heat he's ever felt. He feels as if he's laid outside in the peak of summer; the sun relentlessly licking at his face.

"Y-you must've been prepared to use your best charm for this date." He ducks his head to the side in a futile attempt to hide his crimson cheeks, mentally cursing his brief stutter as a result of momentary nerves.

"Honestly, no - but I'd be a fool to act like it's everyday i find a pretty boy sat in front of me."

The younger's cheeks physically ache- although from widely grinning or his intense blush, he remains unsure. As the brunet subtly picks up the rose beside him, josh pulls his sleeves over his hands and crosses his arms over his chest. Immediately after picking up the rose, the taller twiddles the base of the stem between his thumb and forefinger before finally a bashful grin tugs at his lips.

He carefully places the flower on the table; josh watching in a slightly confused state of interest as - one by one - the thorns decorating the stalk are gently peeled off and dropped on a thick napkin. The brunet screws up the tissue when he's finished, gripping it in his fist.

Eventually, he meets josh's eyes over the table. At the frown scrunching his dark eyebrows, a ghost of a smile encapsulates his face in a delicate glow like a lantern.

"Tell me something, joshua." The man whispers as he leans ever-so-slightly over the table.

"Josh." Comes the correction he was expecting, causing a chuckle to leave his cherry red lips whilst the younger adjusts his position to lean on his palm and gaze at him.

"Right." He smiles, but otherwise ignores the response. "Do you like roses, joshua?"

Considering the question for a minute, josh's teeth clasp his lower lip in thought, until he slowly nods. "I mean... i suppose. Do you?"

"I've expressed liking towards you, haven't I sweetheart?"

At the question, josh's previously fading cheeks flare a soft shade of garnet. He decides against replying, simply looking away and grinning at the floor.

Suddenly there's a low thud before a pair of clean black high top converses are enclosing on josh's view of his own feet. There are warm fingertips at his jaw, cautiously turning his head to the side.

The man crouched in front of him slowly reaches out for the naked stalk of the frail rose, holding it just in front of his turquoise shirt for a moment. After spending a few seconds absently staring at the stranger's jet black skinny jeans, josh's eyes gradually slide up to catch his honeycomb-clouded gaze.

The hand on his face is removed in favour of a thornless rose being planted behind his ear and tangling with his unruly chestnut curls.

For a while, the brunet only stares. Unable to comprehend the utter perfection that is the cream bud protruding from a web of chocolate. When a red-cheeked josh clicks his fingers in front of his face, he merely shakes his head.

"A fool to let a rose go." He mumbles.

"Did you say something?"

Again, the man shakes his head. He grins and stands up. "Thank you for brightening my evening, josh. Keep the flower in your hair; I've never seen anything so precious - nor have I ever known the nickname sweetheart to be so fitting."

Before josh can reply, the man walks away. He reaches for his wallet in his pocket, pulling it out when he gets to the counter.

As if by no effort of his own, josh soon finds himself at the brunet's side. In all honesty, he's not entirely sure what train of thought led him there in the first place - only that he didn't really want to let this man simply walk away.

Breezy hands him his change, narrowing her eyes at her employee when he trails after the brunet as if to ask I thought you said you didn't know him?

"So you're just going to walk away without even telling me your name?" Josh questions after tapping him on the shoulder, falling into step beside him as he walks out the restaurant doors.

Stuffing his hands into his pocket, the older slowly turns to look at him. His gaze glazes over his face. "Sweetheart, there's no need for you to know my name."

There's a period of awkward silence before josh finally whispers: "goodnight then."

"Goodnight, joshua."

And then the man walks away - this time, josh letting him do so.


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