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I felt bad so here's another update

"Alright guys, that's a wrap for today. Thank you, see you all tomorrow." A short balding man yells, clapping his hands and rushing towards the two on the elevated stage.

The remaining few cast members sigh in relief, grabbing their belongings and making a dash for the double doors joshua had cautiously entered through moments earlier.

Frowns and irked expressions are shot towards him as he steps to the side in an attempt to let them out, and on his way out one large man even bashes into him- knocking him into the ice cold metal of a back of a seat. Rubbing his slightly hurt arm with a soft huff, josh narrows his eyes, watching him shove past the two women in front of him.

"Tyler! Jenna! You're all stiff!" The balding man shouts as he nears them.

The two exchange exasperated glances before treading to the end of the stage and hopping down the steps to the floor. Jenna leading the way; they stride towards the table holding their coats.

"So your cute server boy didn't turn up then." She says distractedly, pulling the sleeves of her light grey coat over her arms. The ends of her recently cut hair hit her neck when she pulls email out from beneath the collar, then settle for scratching at her earlobes.

At the comment, tyler's defeated gaze avoids her curious expression in favour of staring at his feet. Whilst he pulls on his dark green coat, he notices the harsh footsteps behind him and bites back an immediate groan.

"That kiss was the most stiff yet." The man states once he's finally beside them, slinging an arm around the brunet's shoulders. "I need you to be passionate! Catherine's escaping Eddie's power; his control - it's a breakthrough and one of the most important moments in the play. I need to feel like there's some love there, come on now."

Tyler sighs and shakes off his arm. "It's difficult. We're trying, okay?"

"I understand that your past is a difficult thing but you're actors! You're not Tyler, and you're no longer Jenna Black. You're Rodol- hey kid, what the fuck are you doing in here?"

With the man's distraction comes a wave of steaming embarrassment as josh looks up to three pairs of stern eyes staring him in the face from across the large room. Nervously biting his lip, he drops the sleeve of his jacket from where he was attempting to examine the inflamed skin.

His breath hitches in his throat and he can feel the confused honey scolding his skin in a burning candle of perplexity. All his mind can muster up is a pitiful whine for his best friend that lord knocks he couldn't emit.

Before the irritated director can speak again, tyler quickly interrupts as his eyes widen.

"Don't worry, Steve." He mumbles, ignoring both the man and jenna's stares boring into his head when he walks away. He quickens his pace, making it to the boy in just under a minute.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late, I was with hayley obviously doing this mess-" Josh explains, briefly pointing at his hair before continuing rambling. "And then I went home and talked to Ryan - Ryan's my best friend, I mentioned him a couple times - but I kept looking at the clock and wondering if it was too late to see you and i got so nervous thinking about it and that's dumb now because if I was nervous you probably didn't think I was even going to turn up and I ended up forcing myself not to look at the time and that's also dumb because I made myself late and-"

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