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Chestnut hair sticking up on end from his fingers wringing through the sticky strands, the brunet's exhausted honey eyes scan over the icy ground as he waits patiently on the grass verge.

His white high-top converses squeak against the wet knives staining the fabric, the bench pressing into the backs of his thighs cooling any heat coursing through his body.

Right leg crossing over the left; his eyes remain attentively set on the door. Ice captivates his entire face, reddening the tip of his nose and drying out his eyes almost to the point of pain.

There's a soft click and a screeching scrape before he's face to face with the strawberry cheeked mocha hue, a grin tugging at his lips. The silence is brief as they simply smile at each other, until josh steps out of the glaring lights and into the misty shadows surrounding the older.

"How long have you been waiting?" He asks softly, watching the cloud of carbon dioxide as it leaves his lips and fades into the air like billowing smoke.

"Good question." Vaguely replies tyler with a chuckle a little warmer than the freezing air suffocating them.

Josh pauses to wait for a possible addition to his response, but soon sighs and thrusts his hands into his pockets.

"Okay, well, what are you waiting for?"

Gaze snapping towards him, tyler eyes him for a short while, scanning every inch of the snowy skin masking his face. His eyes fall to the thick black coat around his shoulders, and his skinny jeans accentuating every curve of his body.

"The prettiest boy in Ohio." He answers finally, relishing in the boy's giggle.

"Guess I'd better be on my way so you can continue waiting for him then." Josh smiles as he steps back, tyler laughing and gently tugging him back.

"Actually, I believe him to be standing right in front of me."

The ice tinting the younger's cheeks slowly crumbles to give way to blooming heat that temporarily scars his skin a blurry scarlet. His gaze drops to land on his feet as they shuffle against the ground, then latches onto tyler's kind honey eyes.

"Is that your way of saying you were waiting for me?" Josh questions cautiously, a grin creeping up his lips when the brunet shyly smiles.

"In an attempt to dial down the creepy." He mumbles, looking away until josh speaks.

"I don't think that's creepy." He shrugs with a low giggle. Tyler arches an eyebrow at him. "Maybe if anyone else waited for me to finish my shift I'd find that a little creepy, but you're tyler."

"We barely know each other." Tyler reminds him quietly, stomach swirling when someone runs past and forces the mocha hue closer to his body.

Even when the person is long gone and the pavement is clear, josh makes no effort to shift away from the warm body merely centimetres from his own. His body seeks the warmth of burning hot skin beneath layers and layers of fabric; welcomes the charming sensation against his cheeks courtesy of a golden tongue.

Chin tilted up so he can see the man, their eyes gradually meet, and that rosy, violet-infused shade of cherry has never before looked so enticing.

The evening air only gets more and more frosty around their shoulders as it nibbles their jaws, strangling their necks but bearable in the sudden skeletal heat beside them. Soft snores of the clouds above them ring through the town like the crack of a whip; both their eyes turning towards the sky but soon focusing on each other again.

"So we barely know each other," josh starts, voice the softest piano in the surrounding winter lullaby. "And yet you bring roses with every visit. You have an entire thesaurus filled with sweet nicknames ready to dye my entire face red." He pauses to consider his next sentence. "I think we know each other a little better than you give us credit for, Monsieur Charmant."

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