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would you guys prefer i publish the teaser for the sequel today and start writing it in a few days, or publish it in a few days when i plan to also start writing the book as a whole? it's up to you, and either way i'll let you know when it's up

"Table thirteen still hasn't got their food yet! They ordered a half hour ago."

"Okay, a spicy salmon pasta, a side order of chips and two chicken Caesar salads." Dallon reads aloud, pushing the dishes onto the counter before the server, then rushing towards the stove again. The short brunet stirring one of the pans shifts out of the way, earning an exasperated sigh from his employer when he accidentally knocks a handle of a pot.

"We're missing a lasagna." Joshua states loudly, exhaling in relief when a plate is placed heavily beside the rest of the order. He grabs the two salads, carrying them out to the table beside the bar.

After, he strides back into the kitchen, picks up the lasanga and takes it to the right table - then repeats the motion with the side order of chips.

Finally he steps behind the bar, leaning his folded arms against the counter top. As perplexed sapphires bore into his skull, he squeezes his eyes shut in a futile attempt to rid himself of the subconscious reminder that after tonight he's not seeing his boyfriend for months.

For a few minutes, server and employer simply stand in a lazy silence, until Breezy softly breaks it.

"Are you doing okay, josh?" She gently mumbles, entirely oblivious to the sickening turmoil infecting the boy's emotions like a virus. Dread claws at every inch of his pale skin, almost causing it to itch painfully.

"I'm fine." He mutters following a trembling clear of his throat, lashes remaining glued to his cheekbones.

Sighing, the blonde briefly rubs his back before her head snaps up at the jingle of bells above the door. The younger refrains from even glancing up until she nudges his arm, gesturing towards the window.

"I feel like I know that guy from somewhere." She states absent-mindedly. Staring at his forearms, josh only shrugs. "Can you serve him? I have to go serve table three."

"Alright. Fine." The boy finally glances up, freezing upon noticing his boyfriend walking towards the bar.

When Breezy walks behind him, he quickly grips her wrist in his hand. At the confused expression shot towards him, he nibbles at his lower lip but pulls away as the brunet drums his fingers against the counter.

"Do you, um, happen to have a break coming up any time soon?" Tyler asks quietly, nervously tugging the sleeves of his mustard hoodie over his hands.

"I..." josh uneasily trails off, turning his head to glance desperately at his employer. Having stopped due to immense interest in the exchange, the older frowns as she looks between them.

"First of all, what's the occasion?" She eventually questions while pointing vaguely between them.

"Tyler's my boyfriend and he's... going to Chicago for a few months."

At the crack of his voice, tyler's eyes immediately flick towards him. Scarlet clouds his hazel eyes and his pale pink lips are bitten from the harsh clasp of his teeth, curls falling over his face. It's all the taller can do not to reach for his hand, to pull him closer, to kiss him breathless, to never leave the precious boy's side.

After a moment of staring between the brunet's pained expression and the blatant tears welling in her employee's reddened eyes, Breezy sighs a second time. She steps back to allow josh out from behind the bar.

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